Saat ini, Anda dapat secara langsung mengunggah Job listing dalam jumlah banyak pada New Talenta Recruitment. Hal ini dapat memudahkan Anda sebagai recruiter untuk mengelola lowongan pekerjaan dalam jumlah banyak secara lebih efisien. Fitur ini juga memungkinkan Anda untuk mengunggah daftar pekerjaan melalui template dengan format CSV, melakukan entri data secara otomatis, serta menghemat waktu Anda secara signifikan. Simak langkah-langkah selengkapnya berikut ini.
- Make sure you are a recruiter and hold the Admin role to be able to access the Recruitment module in Talenta.
- The formatted CSV template can only be used to import Job listings.
- Make sure the data related to Job position, Branch, Organization, and Employment type sare already in Talenta. If the data is not there, then you need to update it in Talenta first before uploading the CSV file.
- Sign in to your Talent account.
- Then on the main page on the left side of the Applications section, select the following “Recruitment” menu.
- Select the Job listings menu.
- Then click “Import” then select the “Import job listings” tab.
- Click “Download template” to download the template for importing Job listings data, then fill in each column in the template.
The downloaded template contains several columns consisting of Job position, Branch Location, Organization, Employment Type, Workplace Type, Headcount, Salary Range, Job Description, Requirements, Benefit, Education, Experience Level, Minimum Experience, Gender, and Range.
- Langkah-langkah Pengisian Setiap Kolom:
No. Coloumn Name Explanation Job position, Branch Location, Organization, Employment Type Data related to Job position, Branch Location, Organization, and Employment Type are available on the Talenta account. In this case, you can fill in according to the data that has been listed.
If this data is not yet available in your Talenta account, you need to update employee data first before filling in the data in the CSV file.
Workplace Type Enter the following numbers according to the Workplace Type description below:
0 = “On-Site”
1 = “Hybrid”
2 = “Remote”Headcount Needed Enter the number of job vacancies open. Salary Range Min & Max Enter the salary range for the job position offered. Job Description Describe the job description. Requirements List the requirements or qualifications needed for the job offered. Benefits Describe the benefits for the job position offered. Education Enter the following numbers according to the following Education Level information:
0 = “No Qualification”
1 = “Elementary School”
2 = “Middle School”
3 = “High School”
4 = “Diploma”
5 = “Bachelor Degree”
6 = “Master Degree”
7 = “Doctoral Degree”
Experience Level Enter the following numbers according to the Experience Level description below:
0 = “Internship”
1 = “Entry Level”
2 = “Associate”
3 = “Mid Senior Level”
4 = “Director”
5 = “Executive”
Minimum Experience Enter the minimum duration of work experience data, only in the form of numbers in the “Minimum Experience” column.
For example: “3” for three years of work experience.Gender Enter the following numbers according to the following Gender information:
0 = “No Preference”
1 = “Male”
2 = “Female”
Minimum & Maximum Age Range Enter the minimum and maximum age range in numbers only.
If you do not enter a number for the age range, the system will default to setting the age range to 17 years for the minimum age and 65 years for the maximum age.
- After filling in the template document, click “Browse” or drag the file automatically into the Drop your file(s) here box as shown below to upload the CSV file.
Make sure the CSV file is a maximum of 5 MB in size.
- Then click “Upload” to submit the data.
- Then the following notification will appear indicating that you have successfully imported the Job listings data.
- Click "View import log" to see detailed Job listing data that has been uploaded.
- All uploaded Job listings will be saved on the Draft Job listings page.
- You can also access the Import log directly by following these steps:
1. In Talenta Recruitment, click “Job listings”.
2. Click "Import", then select "Import logs". - Then the list of Job listings that have been successfully imported will look like this.
That is how to upload Job listings directly in bulk. You can also learn about how to create Job listings individually on New Talenta Recruitment here.