In a company, there are various positions and divisions that are applied. In Talenta, you can add complete information about the organization structure.
Here are the steps.
Go to the Company Settings menu .
Click the "Organization" tab in the Company section.
Then you will automatically enter the Chart view tab with the following display.
No Column Explanation 1 Vertical chart To display the chart in vertical format.
2 Horizontal chart To display the chart in horizontal format.
3 Status To filter by Active and Inactive status. 4 Zoom in To enlarge the chart display. 5 Zoom out To zoom out the chart display. 6 Fit to screen To display the chart according to the screen size. 7 Search To perform an organization search based on specific keywords. 8 Expand all To expand the chart view. 9 Chart It contains a display of the chart you have created. 10 Action Click and select Edit to change, Set inactive to deactivate and Permanently delete to delete the organization.
11 Number of employees Click to see the number of employees registered in the organization.
A. How to Add an Organization
To add a new organization, click “Add/Import organization” then select Add organization.
Then enter the information as follows.
No Column Explanation 1 Organization code Enter the organization code. 2 Organization name Enter the organization name. 3 Parent organization Select a parent organization if the organization has a parent in its organizational structure.
- Then click “Save” to save.
The organization you create will look like this.
B. How to Import Organizations
You can also enter organizational structures in bulk by clicking “Add/Import Organization” then selecting Import Organization.
Click “Download template” to download the template provided by Talenta.
The Excel template will be downloaded automatically. Fill in the Excel document as follows.
Select the file you just modified and click “Import”.
Then the organization you added via the import method will look like this.
Click “Export Data” to download the existing organizational structure data in the form of data, images and PDF.
You can also view the organization in tabular form on the Table view tab.
Click “Actions” on the organization you want and select Edit to change, Set inactive to disable and Permanently to delete to delete the organization.
That's how to manage the organization structure in Talenta. See here, to learn how to manage Company Information in the Settings Menu.