Review Cycle Page on Talenta Performance Overview

Article author
Zendesk Admin
  • Updated

Through Talenta, you can create and manage employee and personal performance reviews through the Review Cycle. Through this feature, you can create a new review cycle with 3 (three) different cycle objectives, namely Performance, Competency, and Evaluation Review.

The following is a brief explanation of the review cycle index page which stores the history of reviews that have been made.

  1. Log in to
  2. Click the Review Cycle menu.
  3. Then, you will be directed to the following page.
No. Button/Column Name Description
1 Help Click to get help via Guidebook or Quick tour.
2 Template setting This button is a shortcut to go to the template settings page. Learn the guide here.
3 Create new cycle Click to create a new review cycle.

Each option has its own function, namely:
  • Performance review: A review cycle that can be used to assess employee performance based on KPIs/goals and other qualitative indicators such as company values, soft competencies, etc. Learn how to conduct this review here.
  • Competency review: A review cycle that can be used to assess employee competency to determine the employee's strengths and weaknesses for their current or future position. Learn how to create this review here.
  • Evaluation review: A review cycle that can be used to evaluate an employee’s performance over a specific period of employment, such as a probationary period or contract. Learn how to create one here.
4 Filter cycle Click to filter the list of review cycles ever created.
5 Open approval setting Click to open the approval review setting. Learn the guide here.
6 Search bar Type a keyword here to search for specific data in the list of reviews that have been created.
7 Total cycle In this line, you can see the number of timeframes in the cycle based on its publish status.
8 Actions

Click to display options for specific actions on a review cycle that has been created.

  1. Action options on reviews with non-automatic cycles.
  2. Action options in the review cycle with evaluation type.

- View detail: Click to view the details of the cycle. In the details, you can also download the completed review results. Learn the guide here.
- Update repeat date cycle:
Click to manually update the repeating cycle.
- Start automatic cycle: Click to create an evaluation cycle to group probation/contract employees automatically
- Lock/unlock review result: Click to lock or unlock the review result where the review result can be edited by the reviewer or not.
- Delete: Click to delete the review.

To learn more about how to perform the available actions, you can study the guide here.

That's an overview of the review cycle page on Talenta Performance. Next, you can learn about how to view detailed review results for each role, here.