In Payroll History, you can use this feature, if after running a payroll, you want to lock access to the run payroll (the payroll data for the employee in question cannot be changed again after being locked), and you want employees to be able to immediately access their respective payslips. This feature displays a list of payrolls that are in process or have been processed each period or month.
In Payroll History, there are features that help you to take action in the approval process, such as requesting Payroll Approval, locking/unlocking Payroll, publishing/unpublishing Payroll at the per-employee level, which is different from the previous display at the period level. Therefore, you can see Payroll status in real-time per employee and view reports.
- You can read the Overview Payroll History guidebook here, before starting to manage the Payroll History feature.
- This feature can only be accessed by Superadmin.
In this guide, we will explain how to manage Payroll History features on Talenta such as Request Payroll Approval, Publish/Unpublish Payroll, Lock/Unlock Payroll, and view Approval History/Approval Details. Follow these steps:
You can open "Payroll History" through the Payroll menu.
Payroll History can also be accessed through "View Reports" by clicking "See Payroll History".
A. How to Request Payroll Approval
- On the Payroll history page, the "Request approval" action only applies to certain lists that still require approval, namely for the Payroll period with Rejected and Need Approval status only. Select "Request approval" in one of the Payroll periods that you want to submit for approval.
- Check the details on the pop-up that appears and click “Request payroll approval”.
- Therefore, the request means disapprove marked with Payroll status that changes to 0 of (Total employee) payslip published and the "Request approval" button changes to "Proceed payslip".
- To start publishing the payslip, you can click "Proceed payslip" which will take you to the Payroll detail page.
B. How to Lock/Unlock Payroll
- On the Payroll history page, click "Proceed payslip".
If this button does not appear, follow the steps in section A. How to Request Payroll Approval.
- Then, you will be directed to the Payroll detail page as follows.
The following is an explanation of the settings and captions at the top of the page.
No. Name of Button/Column Description 1 Summary of Payroll details There are several summaries, namely: - Date and Last run by: The date and employee that last accessed the data.
- Total employees: The number of employees in this payroll.
- Payslip published: Number of payslips that have been published.
- Payroll locked: Payroll amount that has been locked.
2 Filter Payslip index filter based on: - branches,
- and several other categories.
3 Index column settings Settings for what list you want to appear in the payslip index. Check on any information that you want to display. 4 Guidebook Shortcut key to this guide. 5 search bar Column to make it easier for you to find a particular payslip based on certain keywords, such as employee names. - In the Payroll period that you want to lock the Payroll. Click the "Unlock" icon.
You can see the Payslip status line to determine whether the payslip has been published (Published) or has not been issued (Ready to publish).
- Click "Lock payroll" to lock the payroll. This feature allows you to lock payroll without publishing a payslip.
- Then, the status will change to "Locked". You can click the icon to open a locked Payroll.
You can manage Lock/Unlock payroll or Publish/Unpublish payslips for each employee with various cross-status individually (one by one) or in bulk by checking the “Name checkbox” and then clicking “Actions”.
- Employee A with Payroll status Locked and Payslip Published status.
- Employee B with Unlock status Payroll and Unpublish Payslip status.
Therefore, the bulk button that appears is Publish, Lock, Unpublish, or Unlock. These actions only impact eligible employees (adjusted to their status). For example, if you click bulk Publish, only Employee B whose status is still Unpublished will be affected. - Select "Unlock payroll" to open Payroll.
C. How to Publish/Unpublish Payroll
- After you do the Request payroll action, then you can Publish the payslip on the Proceed payslip page. Select "Publish payslip" in the Payroll period with the status Ready to publish.
- Click "Lock & publish payslip" to publish the payslip which will automatically lock the payslip.
There are 2 (two) ways to Publish Payslips, namely:
- With 2 (two) steps: Lock Payroll, then Publish Payslip at a different time when the payroll condition is locked.
- With 1 (one) step: Publish a Payslip when the payroll condition is still unlocked, and the system will immediately lock the payroll automatically. - Hence, the Payroll status changes to Published. Then, to Unpublish the payslip, click the following button.
- The “Unpublish payslip” button is only available during the Payroll period with Published status.
- You can manage the Publish/Unpublish payslip for each employee individually (one by one) or in bulk by checking the "Name checkbox" then clicking "Actions".
D. How to View Approval History or Approval Details
- Open the Payroll history page. To view Approval history, click the “three dots” icon, then Approval history.
Approval history can only be clicked on the Payroll period that has already requested approval and has Published/Rejected status.
- Then, you can see the Payroll approval details as follows.
- Requested by: The name of the user who requested Payroll.
- Payroll period: Payroll period.
- Branch: Payroll implementation branch.
- Payment schedule: Payroll implementation schedule.
- Status: Payroll Status (Ready to publish, Need approval, Rejected, or Approved).
- Request date: Payroll request date.
- Request history: Payroll request history which contains details (name of requestor or approver and time of action taken) from the request process to approval.
- And the following is a display of Payroll history with the Approved status.
- Requested by: The name of the user who requested Payroll.
- Payroll period: Payroll period.
- Branch: Payroll implementation branch.
- Payment schedule: Payroll implementation schedule.
- Status: Payroll Status (Ready to publish, Need approval, Rejected, or Approved).
- Request date: Payroll request date.
- Request history: Payroll request history which contains details (name of requestor or approver and time of action taken) from the request process to approval.
This is a guide on how to manage the Payroll History feature on Talenta. Learn about how to access other Talenta reports here.