How to Start Offboarding Employee

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

Offboarding at Talenta is a process of managing and monitoring the company's employee resignation process. This process can be started by the employer with the Superadmin/admin role deciding to resign certain employees or starting from submitting employee resignations which must go through an approval process. After the resignation submission is approved, the Offboarding process will begin and employees will be required to follow the Offboarding procedures.

After the Task Offboarding has been created, the Setting Form has been carried out, and the Resignation form has been submitted, then you can start offboarding employees individually and in bulk. Here are the steps.

  1. In Talenta, select the Company menu.
  2. Click "Offboarding".

A. How to Start Offboarding Individually

  1. On the Company - Offboarding page, click “Actions” and select Start offboard.

    The Start offboard option is only available to employees with Ready to offboard status.
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  2. Then, you will be redirected to the following page.
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    No. Name of Button/Column Description
    1 Start offboarding A button to start the offboarding process for the employee. Make sure the data and to-do list listed are correct.
    2 Resignation info Contains information on employees whose resignation is being processed. You can complete the Resignation info form by following the steps in the guide, here.
    3 To do list name List of tasks (tasks) that must be completed in the Offboarding process for the employee.
    4 To do list PIC For each task that must be completed, there is a PIC (Person in Charge). You can learn how to assign PIC here.
    5 To do list status For each task, there is a status (To do, In progress, Done) that can be changed by Super Admin if it has been completed.
    6 Delete Click the “-” icon if you want to delete the task.
    7 View assets/View loans Click the “View assets” button to see what company assets the employee has (if any). Or, click "View loan" to see a list of employee loans (if any).
    8 Forms You can see the Exit interview form that the employee submitted here. Learn how to manage Exit interview form settings here.
    9 Add tasks Add a task by clicking this button if needed.
  3. In the pop-up that appears, click "Start".
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  4. Then, you will be redirected back to the Offboarding details page. It's just that the status on Offboarding changes to In progress, if the Offboarding to-do list is complete, both the employee and the PIC, and click "Complete offboarding" to complete the offboarding process.
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  5. A confirmation pop-up will appear as a reminder that this action is final and irreversible. Click “Complete” to complete Offboarding.
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  6. So, a green notification appears indicating Offboarding has been completed. The entire To-do list was changed to “Done”.
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B. How to Start Offboarding and Complete Offboarding in Bulk

There are four employee Offboarding statuses on the Offboarding page, namely Ready to offboard, In progress, Completed, and Cancel to resign. You can do mass offboarding only on Ready to offboard, In progress, and Completed Statuses by following these steps.

  1. Ready to offboard
    You can check the checkbox only for the names of employees with Ready to offboard status to do mass offboarding. Then, click “Actions” and Start offboard.
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    Then, click "Start".
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    You have to keep checking employee offboarding data and PIC tasks as in how to start offboarding individually.

  2. In progress
    You can check the checkbox for the names of employees with only In progress status to carry out mass Complete Offboarding. Then, click “Actions” and Complete offboarding.
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    Then, click "Complete".
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  3. Mixed status (Ready to offboard and In progress)
    You can check the checkboxes for the names of employees with Ready to offboard and In progress statuses to start offboarding or complete offboarding in bulk. Then, click "Actions" and Start offboard to change employee status to Ready to Offboard or Complete offboarding status to change employees to In progress status.
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    1. Click “Start” in the pop-up that appears if you perform an offboard Action Start.
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    2. Click “Complete” in the pop-up that appears if you did Action Complete offboarding.
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This is a guide on how to start and complete employee offboarding at Talenta. In the next Offboarding step, you can Set Offboarding Employee. Check out the guide here.