How to Manage Document Templates

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Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

In this section, you will learn how to manage document templates created by the company, such as Certificates of Employment, Certificates of Service Travel, and other documents owned by the company. Document templates can only be accessed by Admin, Super Admin, Consultant Admin, and Consultant Super Admin.

There are two ways you can choose, the first is by creating a document directly through Talenta and the second is by uploading a document in docx format.

Here are the steps:

A. How to Create a Template Through Talenta

  1. Go to the Company menu then click “Document Template”.

    Through the new view, you can access the Document templates page in the Productivity menu.

  2. There are document templates available for you to use and you can create a new document template by clicking “Create”.

    Click “Help” to get help with guide articles.

  3. Then, you can click “Create” then click New template.
  4. Then you will be directed to a page like the image below.
  5. On the Document tab, enter the template name in the Template Name column.

    Template names are unique, therefore you cannot use existing template names.

  6. Fill in the information or description about the template in the Template description column and select the document category you desire in the Category column.
  7. And select the document layout you desire.
  8. You can click Automatically store document to employee files to integrate the document template with employee files automatically. Then, you can select the Files category employee file (eg Employee's identity, Company file, etc.) that will be integrated with the Doc template.
  9. In addition, you can also create document numbers automatically, by activating the Document number toggle and filling in the document number format according to your wishes. You can use the available variables to use in the document number by clicking "Doc shortcode" . Then fill in the initial document number in the Start increment from section.
  10. In Doc shortcode , select the download date code to specify the document download date in shortcode form.

    List of shortcode variables that can be used in document numbers:
    - month_download_roman : Month for documents downloaded with roman (Roman; I, II, III,)
    - month_download_MM : Month for documents downloaded with MM format (01,02,03,04,05..09,10,11,12)
    - date_download_DD : Day for documents downloaded with DD format (0,01,.....,31)
    - year_download : Year for documents downloaded with YYYY format (YYYY)
    - Increment : Document increment increases based on the number of successful downloads.

  11. Then select the reset numbering option in the Reset increment section. There is a Preview to see the numbering display according to the format you have created.

    - No reset : document numbering will not be reset.
    - Reset every month : reset the numbering every month and the document numbering will start from number 1 again.
    - Reset every year : reset the numbering every year and the document numbering will start from number 1 again.

  12. Then to insert the automatic document number that you have created, you need to add the shortcut variable [document_number] into the document template.
  13. If you desire to use Header and Footer, you can activate it by turning the toggle to blue.
  14. Click “Header” to customize the header you will use.

    Disable the header, if the company has a letterhead.

  15. You can add a company logo to the header. You can choose the Company Logo or Employee Branch Logo to be displayed.

    - Company : The company logo will be displayed.
    - Employee branch : The logo that will be displayed is the branch logo.
    - No Logo : Any logo will not be displayed.

  16. In the Company Information section, check the information that will be displayed in the header with the checklist here.
  17. Hence in the document template header, it will look like the image below.
  18. After completing the settings in the Header, click “Footer” to add information to the Footer.
  19. On the Signature tab, you can add a signature template, by enabling the toggle.

    The maximum number of signature templates that can be added is three.

  20. Enter the signature information in the Label column.
  21. Then the signature display will look like the image below.
  22. All information on the template can be customized in the document section as shown in the image below.
  23. Click "Insert shortcode" to automatically pull information from Talenta data.

    - All Admins/Super Admins who have access to the document template can use the latest shortcode.
    - You can set and determine the shortcode category.
    - Shortcodes are available for all document categories and companies .
    - Shortcodes can be applied when creating or editing via Create template or Upload template .
    - We recommend that there is only 1 document template shortcode in 1 line for better document results.
    - If the value is used in the document information data, then when the document is downloaded, the value will be automatically filled with the relevant employee data.
    - The maximum page in the document is one page, when more than one page, you will see a red line as shown in the image below.
    - You can also add additional shortcodes outside the available list by doing the following:
    1. Check Show all payroll shortcode list and Show all custom field shortcode list in the Additional shortcode section to display the payroll components and custom field components of the employee.
    2. Then enter the shortcode you need in the Insert shortcode column.
    Screenshot 2023-10-31 173136.png
    There are 3 additional shortcodes, namely:
    - Basic salary: [pr_basic_salary]
    - Salary type: [pr_salary_type]
    - Payroll component: [pr_id]; pr_1, pr_2
    As for additional custom field shortcodes , you can enter shortcodes such as [cf_id]; cf_1; cf_2 in the search field.


  24. In the Insert shortcode search field, you can also add a shortcode in the form of a photo to complete the information in your document.

    1. We recommend not using the photo shortcode together with other photos, because the photos will be generated in a larger document.
    2. The size of the photo to be displayed is 4x6 .
    3. There are 3 photo shortcodes , namely:
    - [employee_photo_center] with the employee photo position in the center .
    - [employee_photo_left] with the employee photo position on the left .
    - [employee_photo_right] with the employee photo position on the right .

  25. Then your document template display will look like this. The information listed in the document template has been arranged according to the shortcode category you entered.
  26. Click "Save Template" to save the template.
  27. You can see the list of Document Templates, as follows. Click the “Three Dots” icon if you desire to make changes or delete a template.
  28. You can download the template by clicking the "Download" icon.
  29. Select the employee who will receive the document in the Select Employee column. Then, click “Export”.
  30. The downloaded documents will be saved on the Document history page. You can view and re-download previously created documents by clicking the down arrow icon below.
  31. Then the document will be downloaded as shown in the image below. *Example of the display of data retrieval from employment info.

B. How to Upload Template

  1. Go to the Company menu then click “ Document Template ”.

    Through the new view, you can access the Document templates page in the Productivity menu.

  2. Click “Create” then Upload template .
  3. Fill in the template name in the Template name column and the description in the Template description column.
  4. In addition, you can also create document numbers automatically, by filling in the document number format according to your wishes. You can use the available variables to use in document numbers. Then fill in the initial document number in the Start increment from section and to see the numbering display that you have, you can see in the Preview section.

    1. To insert the automatic document number that you have created, you need to add the [document_number] shortcut variable into the document template.
    2. List of shortcode variables that can be used in document numbers:
    - month_download_roman : Month for documents downloaded with Roman (Roman; I, II, III,)
    - month_download_MM : Month for documents downloaded with MM format (01,02,03,04,05..09,10,11,12)
    - date_download_DD : Day for documents downloaded with DD format (0,01,.....,31)
    - year_download : Year for documents downloaded with YYYY format (YYYY)
    - Increment : Document increment increases based on the number of successful downloads
    3. Reset increment is useful for resetting document numbering.
    - No reset : document numbering will not be reset
    - Reset every month : to reset the numbering every month and document numbering will start from number 1 again
    - Reset every year : to reset the numbering every year and document numbering will start from number 1 again

  5. Click “Continue” to proceed.
  6. However, if you desire to download the available Microsoft Word template, you can click “Doc_Template.docx” .
  7. The following displays the downloaded template document.
  8. In the Shortcode section, you can check Show all payroll shortcode list to display and copy the payroll shortcode or check Show all custom field shortcode list to display and copy the custom field shortcode. To add another shortcode, you can click “View shortcode” .
  9. You can checkAutomatically save documents to employee files to integrate the document template with employee files automatically. Then, you can select the Files category of employee files (e.g. Employee ID, Company files, etc.) that will be merged with the Doc template.
  10. Then copy the shortcode you need and paste it into your document.

    - To get the date shortcode, enter the keyword " download date" in the search field. Then click the "copy" icon to copy the shortcode.
    - To get the photo shortcode, enter the keyword 'photo' in the search field. Then click the "copy" icon to copy the shortcode.

  11. You can automatically integrate Employee files stored in Talenta with Document templates by checking Automatically store document to employee files.
  12. Then, you must select the Files category by clicking “Select category” . This category is a category that has been created through the Category setting.

    To create a new category setting, click “Category settings”.

  13. Here is an example of what a document that is ready for you to upload will look like.
  14. Go back to your Talenta page and click “Choose file” to select the document you desire to upload. You can choose a file in .xlsx or .docx format with a maximum file size of 10 MB.
  15. Click “Upload” .
  16. The template you have created will automatically go to the document template page.

    Uploaded documents cannot be edited on the editor page. You can only re-upload the document.

  17. If you desire to change and delete a document, you can click the “three dots” icon and select Edit to change and Delete to delete the document.
  18. If you need the document for a specific employee, you can download it by clicking the "Download" icon.

    The difference between documents created manually (Create a template directly on Talenta) and documents created outside of Talenta and then uploaded, is indicated by the presence of Uploaded template information on documents created by uploading.

  19. Select the employee who will receive the document in the Select Employee column. Then, click “Export”.
  20. Then the template you have created will be downloaded as follows.

C. Download History (Export History)

  1. In the Talenta Document Template, there is an Export History button, which functions to view documents and previously downloaded documents along with their respective document numbers.
  2. After that, you will redirected to the following page, and you can click “Actions” then Download document to download each required document.

    - You can click Sync to employee files to sync the data one by one. Or, check the checkbox then click Sync to employee files to do it in bulk.

    - When you integrate Document Talenta with Mekari Sign, then you can use the feature Actions - Send document.
    - You can only re-download documents that have been downloaded before, and you will see a notification like the following if the same document has been previously downloaded for the same employee.

  3. If you enable Files integration on the Upload template, the Export History display will be as follows. You can filter the list of Exported templates by Time, Template Category, and Employee.

    Here, you can see File sync status which is the file integration status.
  4. You can click “Actions” to perform Sync.

    The following is the file synchronization status:
    - Synced: The document has been saved in Employee Files
    - Not synced: The document has not been saved in Employee Files
    - File deleted: The document has been saved in Employee Files but was deleted by the employee

  5. You can also bulk sync by checking the names of the employees and then clicking “Sync to employee files”.

That's how to manage document templates in Talenta, to learn how to integrate employee transfer data with document templates, see here.