Terms and Definitions in Talenta ESS

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

Before you can use Talenta ESS, you need to understand the terms specifically used for Talenta. The following are specific terms and definitions in Talenta that you can understand:

Terms Definition
Backpay Payments are made using the salary-back payment system.
Benefit Income that does not increase or decrease Take Home Pay.
Custom Field Additional fields that are not provided by Talenta.
Employee Info / My Info Menu to view information about the employee and the address book of other employees that can be seen by employees.
Employee Self Service (ESS) Employees have their own Talenta account so they can make requests independently.
Non-Core Additional applications on Talenta (Performance Review, Training, Recruitment, and Commerce).
Super Admin The highest authority (role) in Talenta allows people who have this access to access all information in the company's Talent account and perform all actions.

Those are terms and definitions that need to be understood in Talent ESS. Next, you can learn how to access Talenta ESS.