When using Talenta, you are asked to fill in the employee payroll components obtained by employees in the Talenta database. However, you don't need to worry if in the middle of the period, there are changes to employee payroll components, you can change them by using the Update Payroll Component feature.
This feature can help you enter data on changes to salaries or benefits that employees have in Talenta. Previously, you can learn how to manage salary reports, here.
There are several differences between the old version of the Payroll Component Update and the new version:
- Currently, users can assign multiple employees & multiple components in one Payroll Component Update transaction.
- Users can provide an end date for transactions which will automatically change the value to 0 if it has passed the specified expiration date (does not apply to basic salary).
- Super admin can apply approval settings for payroll component updates, read the guide here. In this treatment, every payroll component update will require an approval process first.
The following are the steps to add, edit, and delete on the payroll component update menu.
- Enter the Payroll menu.
- Select “Update Payroll Component”.
- Click “Update components”.
- Then you will be asked to fill in the following blank columns.
No. Column/Button Name Description 1 Type Select the type of component change, "Adjustment" for adjustments, and "Expired" to terminate components that are no longer valid. 2 Effective date Complete the effective date for payroll components to take effect in this section. 3 Description (Optional) Enter component change description information if necessary in this section. 4 Applicable date Check the End date information if the component has a use-by date. So that when the time limit has been reached, the component nominal will change to 0 (zero) and remain active for the employee.
If there is no End date, you do not need to check this information.
Check the Backpay information if the component has backpay or regular payments. Then fill in the effective rappel date for the component.
Example: If the increase in the Daily Allowance should have occurred 2 months ago. For example, in July, the SK (Decision Letter) only came out in September. Hence, in September employees will receive a new Daily Allowance and Daily Allowance Backpay from July and August. Therefore, the effective date is filled in as September 1, and the payment date is filled in as July 1)
If there is no Backpay for the component, you do not need to check this information.
- Include the names of the employees whose payroll components you want to update.
No. Column/Button Name Description 1 Add employees Click to add the name of the employee whose payroll component you want to update. Then, click "Save". 2 Export Click if you want to download the employee information you have selected in the spreadsheet. 3 Import Click if you want to upload the employee information for which you have modified the spreadsheet here. 4 Search by name or ID Enter keywords here if you want to search for the name or ID of a specific employee. - Then, the employee names will appear in the list. Then, fill in the components you want to update by clicking "Add component".
- Select the component in the list provided, then click "Save".
- Update or adjust the payroll component amount information in the New amount line, then click "Submit".
Just like when selecting components, on this page you will also see additional markers/information for components that use Formula, namely the letter "F". This formula is set in the Payroll Component Settings.
- If your Super Admin implements an approval system, a pop-up will appear as a notification that this payroll component requires approval. Fill in notes if necessary in the Write the notes column, then click "Submit". This approval will apply to every new, edit, and delete transaction request.
If there is no approval process, then this pop-up does not appear and the update is immediately saved.
- Therefore, the request for a new transaction in the updated payroll component was successfully submitted. Because it is in the application process, the status is Need approval.
- The image above is an illustration of the payroll component update display when approval is activated.
- There are several statuses for the payroll component update:
1. Need approval status: This means that the payroll component update application still requires approval and has not been approved. Transactions cannot be used in running payroll and are given specifically to new transactions.
2. Active Status: This means that the payroll component update application is active. These transactions can be used in run payroll/active even though they contain pending edit/delete requests.
3. Rejected Status: This status applies if a new transaction request with Need approval status is rejected. If the status is Active, even if the edit or delete request is rejected, it remains Active
although if you open View details you will see details of the rejected information. - Click "Action" then View details to see the details of the payroll component update. You can also click Cancel request if you want to cancel the payroll component approval update application.
- You can perform two different actions when the approval status has changed to Active, such as Edit and Delete update components that have been approved.
- You can change the Description, Applicable date, Add employee, Add component, Export - Import employee component, and Amount component information on components that have been approved, provided that they must go through the approval process again.
- If you choose to delete a payroll component that has been approved, this action will return the payroll component amount to the amount before you update. - If you select View details, then you will be directed to the details page as follows. Here, you can see complete information about the request, such as Request history for example.
You can click Cancel request if you want to cancel the payroll component approval update application.
- On the Update Payroll Component page, you can also see the data that has been input on the Employee History tab.
That's how to update the payroll component on Talenta. After that you can continue with run payroll, click here to see the steps.