How to Make a Schedule on the Settings Menu

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

Each employee is required to have one basic work schedule, even though later the employee will work random shifts. However, to be able to set a schedule, you must first make shifts and breaks.

Here are the steps:

A. Add Schedule Manually

  1. Enter the Settings menu and select Account Settings .
  2. Select the "Attendance" tab.
  3. Select the "Schedule" tab.
  4. Click “Create new schedule” and choose Create single schedule.
  5. Enter the name of the work schedule in the Name column and enter the effective date of the work schedule in the Effective date column.
  6. Check additional settings in the Additional Settings.

    No. Checkbox Name Description
    1 Ignore national holiday Check if national holidays will be counted as working days.
    2 Ignore special holiday Check if special holidays are determined by the government are counted as working days.
    3 Ignore company holiday Check if the company holidays specified in the Calendar menu will be counted as working days.
    4 Flexible

    Check if a flexible work schedule applies to employees.

    - Select Include late in if the company calculates late clock-in (absence)  from the schedule that has been set.
    - Or, choose to Include early out if the company calculates a clock-out  (absence)  that is earlier than scheduled.

  7. Complete the shift pattern according to your company's scheduling pattern.
    No. Button/Column Name Description
    1 Preview Schedule Click to review the work schedule you created before saving.
    2 Select shift Click to select the shift you entered on this schedule.
    3 Repeat shift toggle Click to enable/disable repeat shift. If you activate this feature, shifts will repeat and you can determine how many days the shift will repeat.
    4 Repeat until Specify the number of recurring shift days here.
    5 View detail Click to see the details of this shift.
    6 Delete Click to delete a shift in the list.
    7 Add day Click to add one shift column to the list.

    This button can be clicked when you have specified a shift of at least 1 day on the register.

  8. The following is a display of the Preview schedule. You can use this Preview feature as a simulation to see the work schedule made from the work schedule that you created.
    • Calendar view
    • List view
  9. Click “Save” to save the new work schedule.

    You can click "Save & create new" when you want to save and create a new schedule. Until then, you will be directed to the Create new schedule page again.

  10. Next, the schedule you create will be included in the Active Attendance list in Settings at the top based on the latest schedule.
  11. Click “View detail” to see work schedule details.
  12. Click the “Three dots” icon to perform certain actions on the schedule.

    - Set as default: Click to make this schedule the main default.
    - Duplicate: Click to duplicate the schedule.
    - Edit: Click to change schedule details. The work schedule that you can edit is a work schedule that has never been assigned to an employee.
    - Set as inactive: Click to deactivate the work schedule. The work schedule will move to the Inactive tab. Once a work schedule has been set to inactive, the schedule will not be able to be used and will not appear in the assign schedule process. If you want to reactivate it, click Set Active and your schedule will return to the Active tab page.

  13. Use the Export button (right) to download your work schedule list which can also be used as a template for mass updates by clicking the Import button (left).

    The schedule that you can update is a schedule that has not been posted to employees.

  14. You can use the Search column to search for a specific work schedule.

B. Add Schedules in Bulk

  1. Go to the Settings menu and select Account Settings .
  2. Select the Time Management menu and click "Attendance" .
  3. Pilih tab "Schedule".
  4. Click “Create new schedule” and select Create bulk schedule.
  5. Download the work schedule template in xlsx format. which is provided by clicking "Export file" .
  6. Complete the information from the work schedule that you want to add according to the instructions on the sheet.
  7. If you want to enter shift information, in the Shift Id and Shift Name columns, you can fill in according to the information on the  Shift List sheet. The system only reads Shift Id. Apart from that, the Shift Name column is only provided to assist users in mapping Shift ID and Shift Name only.
  8. After the template has been completed and saved. You can return to the Talenta page, then click “Browse” and select the file that you completed previously.
  9. Click “Submit” and a list of new work schedules will increase.

This is an explanation of how to create a schedule on the Settings menu. Furthermore, you can learn how to manage attendance, here.