How to Set Approval for Overtime Request Feature (New Version)

Article author
Zendesk Admin
  • Updated

You can customize the requested feature for Overtime requests via Talenta with the old or new display, while for Overtime requests - Approval, it can only be set via the new display.

This feature does not include multishift.

In this guide, you can learn how to manage Approval settings for the Overtime Request feature with the new look.

  1. On the main Talenta page, go to the Settings menu and click ESS.
  2. To set up approval, click Approval then click New Approval Beta.
  3. Select Go to settings on Overtime request .
  4. Select Approval then click “Create approval”.
  5. Then, you will be directed to the Create approval page to create a new overtime request approval.
No. Button/Column Name Description
1 Help Click to get Guidebook or Quick tour help.
2 Import Click to upload approval overtime requests in bulk.
3 Export

Click to download the settings in spreadsheet format (xlsx.).

- Export setting: Click to download this setting.
- Export approval line: Click to download the approval line settings.

4 Approval name Fill in the approval name in this column.
5 Description Fill in the description in this field (optional).
6 Total overtime per month Define this rule based on the total overtime duration options per month available.

- Greater than or equal to: Total overtime per month based on greater than or equal to the number of hours you can specify in this field. For example, greater than or equal to 45 hours.

- Greater than: Total overtime per month based on greater than or equal to the number of hours you can specify in this field. For example, greater than 35 hours.

- Less than or equal to: Total overtime per month based on less than or equal to the number of hours you can specify in this field. For example, less than or equal to 45 hours.

- Less than: Total overtime per month based on less than the number of hours you can specify in this field. For example, less than 35 hours.

- In between: Total overtime per month based on in between the number of hours you can specify in these two fields. For example, between 36 and 44 hours.
7 Day type Check the workday types you want to set overtime for. You can select more than one at a time.
  1. In the next section, you can see that there are several approval criteria columns.
No. Button/Column Name Description
1 Criteria 1 You can select the category and value from the category you have selected in each Criteria. The example in the image above shows that in Criteria 1, you selected the Job position category with the value Field worker.
2 Auto ascend Click to enable/disable Auto ascend. Therefore, if the approval for the job position is empty, the request will be forwarded to the job position in the upper layer
3 Three dots

Click to perform the Copy approval or Delete (remove) approval criteria action.

4 Point six Click and hold to change the order of the approval layers up or down.
5 Approve layers

You can add multiple approver layers. You can select the approval layer setting based on Upper Job Position, Employee ID, Approval line, Consultant or Multi company (Emp ID). Then, fill in the Value column based on the Job Position level of the approver.

- Value filled with 1 Upper position: If GA Staff requests time off, then the approval is from HRD & GA Supervisor.
- Value filled with 2 Upper position: If GA Staff requests time off, then the approval is from HRD & GA Manager.

6 Delete approver Click to delete approvers on each layer.
7 Add approver Click to add an approver layer.
8 Add criteria Click to add Criteria.
  1. Click “Save” to save changes.
  2. Then, you will be directed to the following page and the Overtime request approval setting that you have customized is saved in the table.
  3. You can perform several actions on the saved approval settings by clicking “Actions”. Click Edit to change the approval settings or click Import from existing to select approval settings from another feature.

    You cannot change the name from Default setting.

That's the guide to setting up Mekari Talenta's overtime request. Next, you can learn the guide on how to set up other approvals, such as Request Change Data with a new look, here.