How to Manage Assigned Assets (New)

Article author
Zendesk Admin
  • Updated

When adding new assets in the new view, you can enable the feature to designate employees as asset holders. Each asset with these settings is displayed in the Assigned assets table. In addition, on this page you can also assign single and bulk assets as well as return assets.

You can activate this new New Navigation view by activating the toggle button in Talenta Labs. Learn the guide here.

Here are the steps to manage the page.

A. Assign Unit Assets

  1. Go to the Company menu, then click Assets.
  2. Select Assigned assets. Then, to assign assets one by one, click “Assign asset”.
  3. Complete the columns in the Assign asset form.
No. Column/Button Name Description
1 Assigned employee Select one of the employee names.
2 Assigned date Set the start date for the employee to hold this asset.
3 Select assets Select one of the assets.
4 Notes Type notes in this field if necessary.
5 Delete Click this icon to delete existing assets in the table one by one.
6 Notify the assigned employee by email Click to automatically send notifications to assigned employees .
  1. After completing the form, click “Save” to save.

B. Mass Assign Assets

  1. Go to the Company menu, then click Assets.
  2. On the Assigned assets page, you can also assign assets in bulk by importing an Excel file. Click “Import assigned assets”.
  3. On this page, you can click “Download template”. After completing the spreadsheet template, click Browse to upload it, or drag and drop the file.

    - You can complete the Employee ID, Asset number, and Assigned date according to the guide that appears when you hover over the column title. You can optionally fill in the Notes column.

    - Make sure the file is in xlsx. format, no more than 1000 columns, and no more than 5 MB.

  4. Click “Import” to start bulk importing data.
  5. You can wait for the import process to complete.
  6. When finished, hover the cursor over the Processing data box and click View inbox to see the import details.

C. Return Asset

  1. Go to the Company menu, then click Assets.
  2. On the Assigned assets page, you can also return assets.
  3. Click to fill out the asset return form. Then, in the sidebar that appears, fill in the Return date, Return notes (optional), and include attachments (optional).
  4. Then, click “Save” to save the asset return data.

That's the guide to managing the assigned assets page on the new interface. Next, you can learn the guide to managing the asset category page here.