How to Set Up Employee Transfer Approval

Article author
Zendesk Admin
  • Updated

The approval feature on Talenta functions to manage employee submissions and designate who holds the approval path. You can set the SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) for employee transfer approval through the ESS Settings menu.

The following are the steps to set up employee transfer approval.

  1. On the Dashboard display, click Profile then select “Account Settings”.
  2. After that, click the “ESS” tab.
  3. Then, select the “Approval V.2 Beta” tab.
  4. To activate the approval layer, you can click the Add employee toggle button until it turns blue. Then, there is a notification "Approval activated".

    To deactivate the approval layer, you can click the Employee transfer toggle button again until it changes color to gray.

  5. Click “Go to Settings” to customize Employee transfer approval settings.
  6. Then, you will be directed to the Employee transfer page as follows. Click “Actions” to perform the following actions. Click Edit to change the approval settings or click Import from existing to select approval settings from other features, such as Change data request or Add employee request.
  7. If you select Edit, you will be directed to the following page.
No. Column/Button Name Description
1 Help Click to get guidebook help or enable the tooltip feature to get tips directly in the app.
2 Import Click to upload employee transfer approval settings in bulk.
3 Export

Click to download the settings in spreadsheet format (.xlsx).

- Export setting: Click to download this setting.
- Export approval line: Click to download the approval line setting.

4 Description Add a description of the approval settings here (optional).
  1. Then, in the next section you can see several criteria columns. You can add flow approval criteria by clicking “Add criteria”.
  2. Once you have determined the number of flow approval criteria you want to apply, you can then set the approval layer criteria, as follows.
No. Column/Button Name Description
1 Job level

Determine the criteria for employees who become PICs for this approval path.

Case example: Based on Job level.

2 Job level name

Determine the name/value of the PIC for this approval path.

Case example: Because you choose Job level , then you can choose what job level is the PIC. In the example above, you choose CEO.

3 Auto ascend toggle button Click to enable/disable Auto ascend. So, if the approval for the job position is empty, the request will be forwarded to the job position in the upper layer
4 Three dots

Click to perform the Copy approval or Delete (remove) approval criteria action.

5 Six dots Click and hold to change the order of the approval layers up or down.
6 Approver layer 1

You can add multiple approver layers and this is the first layer. You can choose the approval layer setting based on Upper Job Position, Employee ID, Approval line, Consultant or Multi company (Emp ID).

Then, you can fill in the Request type.
- Requested: Approval based on which employee submitted the request.

- Requester: Approval is based on employees meeting certain criteria.

Fill in the Value column based on the Job Position level that the approval has.

- Value filled with 1 Upper position: If GA Staff requests time off, then the approval is from HRD & GA Supervisor.
- Value filled with2 Upper position:If GA Staff requests time off, then the approval is from HRD & GA Manager.

7 Approver layer 2

You can add multiple approver layers and this is the second layer. You can choose the approval layer setting based on Upper Job Position, Employee ID, Approval line, Consultant or Multi company (Emp ID).

If you choose Employee ID, then you only need to select the ID and name of the employee who is the PIC approval on this layer.

8 Delete button Click to delete approval layers one by one.
9 Add approver Click to add an approval layer.
  1. Here is an explanation of how the system reads the request sequence position in figure point 9. Subject Sequence 1: Upper job position; Value: Requested - 1 Upper position.
    Subject Sequence 2: Employee ID; Value; TDIT-0028 Kim Jong Ia Gun
    The system will send an Add employee request to 1 Upper position of the requestor. After the request is approved by 1 Upper position of the employee, the Add employee request will need final approval from TDIT-0028 Kim Jong Ia Gun.
  2. If the settings are correct, click “Save changes”.
  3. Then, you will be directed to the following page. You can see the approval layer of a particular employee by clicking “Preview approval layer”.
  4. Then, you can see the pop-up preview approval layer by employee name by selecting the employee name , then clicking “Preview”.
  5. Then, the layers of approval information appear in this section.

That's how to set up Add New Employee approval on Talenta. Next, you can learn how to set up employee transfer approval, here.