In Talenta, there is a Report Builder which is a feature that can assist management in making reports according to their individual needs. The report is obtained based on raw data provided by Talenta.
There is also access to email Report Builder directly to your email inbox. This access can be made by users with Super Admin/Default and Custom Admin roles with access to certain data. With this feature, you can download and get the Report Builder email regularly based on a schedule that you can adjust.
You can easily arrange what data will be displayed in the table and also filter it directly, then download it in .xslx or .csv format. Before delving into this guide, take a quick look at the basic report builder here.
Make sure your company has Active status on Talenta to use the Scheduled Email Report Builder feature.
Here is a guide on how to create a Report builder:
You can also go directly to
On the Talenta Dashboard, click “Insight” in the Applications column.
Then click “Report builder” located at the bottom.
And click “Create report” to start compiling the report.
Then, you will be directed to the Create Report page as follows. You can fill in the basic report info section first.
No. Column name Description 1 Name Provide a report name here.
Make sure the report name is unique and not duplicated.
2 Description Provide a report description here.
A. Create a Report Builder with the Latest Update Report Type
You can create a report builder with the latest update type or a report with the most updated data type. Here are the steps.
In the Select type section, select Latest update report.
- Then the information that you can include will look like the following.
No. Column/button names Description 1 Category field Choose a category of fields based on: a. Personal: Contains the employee's personal information field options, such as:
- Full Name
- Birthdate
- Gender
- Marital Status
- Religion
- etc
b. Payroll Information: Contains the employee payroll information field options, such as:
- Salary Type
- Payment Schedule
- Bank Name
- Bank Account Number
- Bank Account Holder
- etc
c. Employment: Contains the choice of employee employment information fields, such as:
- Job Position
- Job Level
- Employment Status
- Resign Date
- Resign Reason
- etc
d. Custom Field: Contains options for custom employee information fields.
e. Education: Contains the choice of employee education information fields, such as:
- Grade (formal)
- Institution Name (formal)
- Majors (formal)
- Start Year (formal)
- End Year (formal)
- etc
2 Checkbox fields You can tick one by one based on the category you previously selected. Specify the fields you want to display on the report. 3 Search bar fields You can use the search bar to search for fields. 4 Select all Select this to check all fields. 5 Drag up/down button Click this icon to scroll through the selected fields. 6 Add filter to the field selected Click this to select a filter to display.
You can select up to a maximum of 3 filters per report.
7 Clear all Click this to clear all selected fields. -
Then, specify the filter you want to set in your report by clicking “Add filter to the field selected”.
- Then, you will see a pop-up like the following.
No. Column/button names Description 1 Type filters Choose based on filter type (max. 3 filters). The available filter types correspond to the category of fields you select in the Select info you want to see in the reports section.
See the complete list of available fields here.
2 Select options If you have determined the type of filter, then select the filter option available here. If no filter type is selected, this option is not available. 3 Delete Click to remove the filter option. If no filter type is selected, this option is not available. 4 Add filters Click to add filters. - Make a selection of the file format you want to download.
- You can also schedule the report builder to be sent via email by selecting “Daily” in the Select your report schedule section.
- And click "Save as template".
Then, the following pop-up appears. You can see the table review that will be created by the report builder. Then, click “Confirm & download” to approve and download the report directly or “Confirm” to approve the report builder template and save it in the list of report builders.
If you select "Confirm & download", you can choose to return to the main report builder page by clicking Back to report builder or go directly to the inbox to download the report by clicking "Check inbox".
Then, select the inbox that says "Download Report Builder" then click Download File. -
The following is an example of how the downloaded file looks.
B. Create a Report Builder with the Daily Report Type
You can create a report builder with a daily update type or a report with a daily data type. Here are the steps.
In the Select type, select Daily report.
- Then the information that you can include will look like the following.
No. Column/button names Description 1 Fields category Choose a category of fields based on: a. Personal: Contains the employee's personal information field options, such as:
- Full Name
- Birthdate
- Gender
- Marital Status
- Religion
- dst
b. Attendance: Contains options for employee attendance information fields. This option is only available for reports for the last 6 (six) months, such as:
- Date
- Total present (day)
- Total absence (day)
- Not clock in (day)
- Schedule working hour
- Actual working hour
- etc
c. Payroll Information: Contains the employee payroll information field options, such as:
- Salary Type
- Payment Schedule
- Bank Name
- Bank Account Number
- Bank Account Holder
- etc
d. Employment: Contains the choice of employee employment information fields, such as:
- Job Position
- Job Level
- Employment Status
- Resign Date
- Resign Reason
- etc
e. Custom Field: Contains options for custom employee information fields.
f. Time Off Request: Contains information field options for submitting employee leave, such as:
- Policy Code
- Policy Name
- Time Off Start Date
- Time Off End Date
- Time Off Status
- etc
g. Reimbursement Request: Contains information field options for submitting employee reimbursement, such as:
- Reimbursement Policy Name
- Reimbursement Effective Date
- Reimbursement Notes
- Reimbursement Status
- Total Reimbursement Request Amount
- etc
There are new fields available in this category, namely Total Reimbursement Request Amount and Total Reimbursement Paid Amount.
h. Overtime Request: Contains information field options for submitting employee overtime, such as:
- Overtime Request Date
- Overtime Compensation Type
- Overtime Request Status
- Overtime Notes
- Approved Overtime Duration (minutes)
- etc
Specifically for the Request field category (Time Off/Reimbursement/or Overtime Request), you can only choose one.
2 Checkbox fields You can tick one by one based on the category you previously selected. Specify the fields you want to display on the report. 3 Search bar fields You can use the search bar to search for fields. 4 Drag up/down button Click this icon to scroll through the selected fields. 5 Add filter to the field selected Click this to select a filter to display.
You can select up to a maximum of 3 filters per report.
7 Clear all Click this to clear all selected fields. -
Then, specify the filter you want to set in your report by clicking “Add filter to the field selected”.
- Then, you will see a pop-up like the following.
No. Column/button names Description 1 Type filters Choose based on filter type (max. 3 filters). The available filter types correspond to the category of fields you select in the Select info you want to see in the reports section.
See the complete list of available fields here.
2 Select options If you have determined the type of filter, then select the filter option available here. If no filter type is selected, this option is not available. 3 Delete Click to remove the filter option. If no filter type is selected, this option is not available. 4 Add filters Click to add filters. -
Select the file format you want to download. Then, click "Save as template".
Then, the following pop-up appears. You can see the table review that will be created by the report builder. Then, click “Confirm & download” to approve and download the report directly or “Confirm” to approve the report builder template and save it in the list of report builders.
If you select "Confirm & download", you can choose to return to the main report builder page by clicking Back to report Builder or go directly to the inbox to download the report by clicking "Check inbox".
Then, select the inbox that says "Download Report Builder" then click Download File.
The following is an example of how the downloaded file looks.
C. Create a Report Builder with Monthly Report Type
You can create a report builder with a monthly update type or a report with a monthly data type. Here are the steps.
- In the Select type section, select Monthly report.
No. Column/button names Description 1 Fields category Choose a category of fields based on: a. Personal: Contains the employee's personal information field options, such as:
- Full Name
- Birthdate
- Gender
- Marital Status
- Religion
- etc
b. Payroll Information: Contains the employee payroll information field options, such as:
- Salary Type
- Payment Schedule
- Bank Name
- Bank Account Number
- Bank Account Holder
- etc
c. Employment: Contains the choice of employee employment information fields, such as:
- Job Position
- Job Level
- Employment Status
- Resign Date
- Resign Reason
- dst
d. Payroll Transaction: Contains the choice of employee payroll transaction information fields, such as:
- Basic Salary (Payroll Transaction)
- Take Home Pay
- BPJS Kesehatan employee (allowance)
- JHT employee (allowance)
- JP employee (allowance)
- etc
e. Custom Field: Contains options for custom employee information fields.
g. Tax Detail: Contains the choice of employee tax detail information fields, such as:
- Total Allowance
- Total Deduction
- Total DPLK Company
- JHT Employee Yearly
- JP Employee Yearly
- etc
h. Attendance: Contains employee attendance information such as:
- Total Present (shift)
- Total Late In (shift)
- Total Absence (shift)
- Total No Check-In (Shift)
- Total No Check Out (Shift)
- etc
You can combine Monthly Attendance with payroll transactions or tax details. However, there is a difference in the calculation method because the data presented is for one month (1-31) so it does not follow the attendance cut-off or payroll cut-off.
2 Checkbox fields You can tick one by one based on the category you previously selected. Specify the fields you want to display on the report. 3 Search bar fields You can use the search bar to search for fields. 4 Select all Select this to check all fields. 5 Drag up/down button Click this icon to scroll through the selected fields. 6 Add filter to the field selected Click this to select a filter to display.
You can select up to a maximum of 3 filters per report.
7 Clear all Click this to clear all selected fields. -
Then, specify the filter you want to set in your report by clicking “Add filter to the field selected”.
- Then, you will see a pop-up like the following.
No. Column/button names Description 1 type filters Choose based on filter type (max. 3 filters). The available filter types correspond to the category of fields you select in the Select info you want to see in the reports section.
See the complete list of available fields here.
2 Select options If you have determined the type of filter, then select the filter option available here. If no filter type is selected, this option is not available. 3 Delete Click to remove the filter option. If no filter type is selected, this option is not available. 4 Add filters Click to add filters. -
Select the file format you want to download. Then, click "Save as template".
Then, the following pop-up appears. You can see the table review that will be created by the report builder. Then, click “Confirm & download” to approve and download the report directly or “Confirm” to approve the report builder template and save it in the list of report builders.
If you select "Confirm & download", you can choose to return to the main report builder page by clicking Back to report builder or go directly to the inbox to download the report by clicking "Check inbox".
Then, select the inbox that says "Download Report Builder" then click Download File. -
The following is an example of how the downloaded file looks.
This is a guide on how to create a Basic report builder. After learning about this guidebook, learn about how to Request a Custom Dashboard on Mekari Insight here.