How to Assign Reimbursement (New Version)

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

You can apply a reimbursement policy to certain employees through the Finance menu, and the Reimbursement submenu. This activity can only be performed by users with the Superadmin and admin roles.

Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the Finance menu,and select Reimbursement.
  2. Click Assign or Update.
  3. Click the “Actions” button then  Assign reimbursement.
  4. Select the reimbursement policy you want to apply by clicking “Reimbursement name”. Then, fill in the Description column if necessary.
  5. Click “Select employee” to select an employee.

    you can input employee names in bulk to save time. Learn how to import and export employees for reimbursement, here.

  6. Select the employee names on the left list. The selected names will move to the right. Click “Save” if the selected employee names are correct.
  7. Make sure the employee names are correct. To delete a unit, you can click the “-” icon. Meanwhile, to delete names in bulk, you can click the checkbox on the left side of the employee name. Click “Save to assign reimbursement to employees with the names listed.
  8. Then, the reimbursement assignment is saved and you are directed to the details page as follows.
  9. Click “Assign or update”.
  10. You can see the  assigned reimbursement action on the Transaction History tab. Click “Action” to view the details (View detail) or to Edit.

This is an explanation of how to assign reimbursement. Apart from assigning, Superadmin/ Admin roles can also apply for Reimbursement, see here to learn more.