Leave is a right that is owned by everyone who has employment status as an employee. The existence of leave for employees can provide an opportunity for employees to take time off after working for the company.
Referring to the Circular Letter of the Minister of Manpower Number 70 of 2018, one of the points regarding collective leave is "workers/laborers who take leave on collective leave days, the leave entitlement they take reduces the right to the worker/laborer's annual leave." On Talenta, you can manage joint leave which deducts the employee's annual leave entitlement.
Follow these steps to manage shared leave that intersects annual leave:
- Click “Time Management” menu, then select Attendance.
- Next on the Attendance page, select the date you want to edit the Time Off. Then select the employee name then click the "pencil" icon to edit.
Date is inputted with the date when the joint leave is enforced.
- On the Edit Attendance page, click “Time Off”, then select the type of time off you want to take. Click "Save" to save.
- Then the employee Attendance will display leave information that deducts the annual leave.
This is an explanation of how to manage joint annual leave that cuts annual leave. Also learn how to update the time off balance, here.