How to Integrate Talenta with SAP

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

SAP Integrations  is a feature to integrate Talenta with SAP applications. This feature functions to map payroll information in Talenta to journalism accounts in SAP. Activating this integration requires a separate process, where after you set the talent, you will get an API for the next process.

Before you integrate Talenta with SAP, you must ensure that the employee's Cost center information is complete, click here to learn how to use the cost center.

Please remember here that the data is not activated automatically, but only the settings for data grouping are set in Talenta.

Here are the steps.

  1. On the Dashboard menu, click the "Profile" icon at the top right.
  2. Click “Company Settings”.
  3. Click “Integrations”.
  4. If the SAP integration has been activated or has Active status, then you can immediately click  "Settings" to make settings.
  5. To start integrating Talenta with SAP, you must first create a data entry by clicking "Create Entry" .
  6. Enter the name of the entry that you will make in the "Entry Name" column.
  7. Enter the  GL Direct  name according to the data in SAP.
  8. Enter the GL In-direct name according to the data in SAP.
  9. Enter a description in the Description column.
  10. Choose which payroll Components will be included in the GL.
  11. Select the type of data entry, whether the position is Debit or  Credit .
  12. Click "Add new row" if you want to add another data entry.
  13. Click “Submit”.
  14. Then the data entry will be inputted as shown below.

    - Click "Action" then select Edit  to make changes to the data entry.
    - Click "Action" then select Delete  to delete the data entry.

    Apart from integration with SAP, Talenta can also be integrated with other software, one of which is Jurnal. The integrated data is the nominal payroll that has been processed in the Talenta system, recorded in the form of a journal entry in the Journal system. Find add-ons and other recommended products for you, here.