Talenta Mobile is a mobile version of the Talenta application that can be used on smartphones to make it easier to use the Talenta application. Talenta Mobile can be downloaded on iOS and Android.
A. How to Install Talenta Mobile on Android
To install Talenta Mobile on Android, here are the steps.
- Talenta Mobile can be downloaded from Google Playstore by typing a search for Talenta or clicking this link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.talenta on your Android smartphone.
- Click "Install" to start downloading it.
- After the application is successfully installed, open the Talenta application then click "Next" or you can immediately click "Skip".
- If you click "Next", it will be taken to the next page.
- Click "Next" again, then click "Login" to enter the login page.
- If you click the “Skip” button, you will immediately go to the login page as follows. Enter your Talenta account email name and password and click the “Login” button.
- Then, you will enter the Talenta Mobile dashboard view and you can immediately use the Talenta application on your smartphone.
B. How to Install Talenta Mobile on iOS
To install Talenta Mobile on iOS, here are the steps.
- Talenta Mobile can be downloaded from the App Store by typing on the search bar Talenta and then clicking the "Get" button.
- After the application is successfully installed, open the Talenta application then click "Next" or you can immediately click "Skip".
- If you click "Next", it will be taken you to the next page, then click "Next" on that page.
- Then a display will appear as follows, click "Login" to enter the login page.
- If you click "Skip", it will immediately take you to the login page. Enter your Talenta account email name and password. Then click the "Login" button.
- You will be taken to the Talenta Mobile dashboard view and you can immediately use the Talenta application on your smartphone.
Next, you can learn how to do live attendance on Talenta mobile. Live Attendance can make it easier for employees to take attendance via smartphone.