Before you make a cash advance policy, you need to first add the costs that will be incurred. You can create up to several expense categories for various purposes.
Here are the steps:
- On the Dashboard menu, click the"Profile" icon at the top right.
- Then click "Company Settings".
- On the Finance menu, click "Cash Advance".
- Then click the "Categories" tab.
- Click "Create Category" to add a new category policy that will be assigned to employees.
- Fill in the name of the category you want to create in the "Name" field.
- Check "Set limit amount per request" to determine the nominal limit that can be submitted per each submission form.
If "Set limit amount per request" is not activated, then the nominal submission for that category is not limited.
- Click “Save” to save the category.
Next, you can create a cash advance policy for employees. If the policy has been created, you can assign the policy to several employees at once.