How to Change Roles

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

In Talenta, you can change the roles of registered Talenta users according to your needs. You can only change roles if the employee has been invited and activated the Talenta account. All employees invited to Talenta for the first time will have the role of employee. The Super Admin can only make access role changes. In this section, you will learn how to change roles in Talenta.

Follow these steps to change roles on Talenta:

  1.  On the Dashboard, click the Profile icon at the top right.
  2. Click "Company Settings".
  3. Click "Users" in the Users section.
  4. Click "(role)" in the Role column for the employee whose role you want to change. Then, select the desired access role.
  5. If the user role change is successful, there will be a notification as follows.

    When there is a notification like in the image below when you change the user role from Employee to Admin/Super Admin or vice versa, it means the change cannot be made because the user number is inactive or invalid. Make sure the user's phone number is still active when you perform this action.

Employees can change the data contained in Talenta and require a request so that the data can change. However, you can change the settings, therefore when employees make changes to their personal data, they will not need approval from the Super admin, you can learn about it here.