How to Manage Employee History

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

History in Employee Info is a tab that is used to manage data on the history of changes in employee status, salary adjustments, and changes in JKK levels for each employee as a company database.

You can see a brief explanation from the History tab as follows:

No View Description
1. Adjustment History Displays a list of payroll component adjustments that have been made.
2. Transfer History Displays a list of employee status changes related to changes in branch, status, position, organization, level, or grade & class.
3. NPP History Displays a list of employee JKK (Work Accident Benefit) level changes.
4. Showing & Search Set the display and search for data based on keywords or the options provided.
5. Employee History Table Displays a history of changes in payroll components, employee transfers, loans, and changes in employee JKK rates.

This is an explanation of how to manage employee data history. Also learn how to manage employee employment data, here.