Education & Experience is an employee database tab that includes Formal education, Informal education, and Working experiences. In this section, you will learn how to manage employee Education & Experience on the General Info tab.
A. How to Manage Education Info
Here's a quick look at what Education info looks like:
No | Column | Information |
1. | Add New | Button to add education/work history data manually. |
2. | Import | Button to upload education/work history data information in bulk based on the previously downloaded template. |
3. | Export | Button to download education/work history data template. |
4. | Showing | Columns to set the display of employee information. |
5. | Education Table | Displays detailed information on employee education data. |
6. | Download CV | Button to download employee curriculum vitae data. |
To be able to add employee info education, follow these steps.
- Enter the education & experience page by clicking the “Employee” menu.
- Then click the employee name.
- Select the General tab, then click “Education & Experience”.
- Select the Formal Education tab.
- You can add formal education information by clicking “Add New”.
- Click "Grade" to fill in the education level taken.
- Click "Institution" to fill in the educational institution taken.
- Click "Start Year" to fill in the initial year of education taken and "End Year" for the final year of education taken.
You can enter additional information as follows
- Majors: Education major has taken.
- Score: The final value obtained at the last education taken. - Click “Save” to save.
- You can import employee formal education information in bulk by clicking "Import". Make sure the document you are going to import matches the template provided by Talenta.
- Or you can export employee formal education information data by clicking “Export”.
There are two export buttons
1. Template Export: The button to download the template provided by Talenta if you want to input employee education information data in bulk via Import.
2. Data Export: The button to download employee education information is already stored in Talenta. - You can download employee curriculum vitae by clicking “Download CV”.
You can download CV in PDF and Word format.
- View employee formal education information on the Formal Education Table.
- And can set the display of employee formal education information by clicking “Showing”.
B. How to Manage Informal Education Info
Here's a quick look at the Informal Education info:
No | Column | Description |
1. | Add New | Button to add education/work history data manually. |
2. | Import | Button to upload education/work history data information in bulk based on the previously downloaded template. |
3. | Export | Button to download education/work history data template. |
4. | Showing | Columns to set the display of employee information. |
5. | Informal Education Table | Displays detailed information on employee informal education data. |
To be able to add Informal Education, here are the steps.
- Select the General tab, then click “Education & Experience”.
- Then click “Informal Education”.
- You can add informal education information by clicking “Add New”.
- Click "Education name" to fill in the name of the informal education pursued.
- Click "Start Date" to fill in the date the informal education starts and "End Date" for the date the informal education ends.
You can enter additional information as follows:
- Held by: Informal education providers pursued.
- Duration type: Type of duration of informal education completed (in days/hours).
- Fee: Cost of informal education taken.
- Description: A brief description of the informal education pursued.
- Have a certificate: If the informal education taken is certified.
- Attach file: To input certificate files for informal education taken - Click "Save" to save.
- You can import employee informal education information in bulk by clicking "Import". Make sure the document you are going to import matches the template provided by Talenta.
- You can export employee informal education information data by clicking “Ekspor”.
There are two export buttons:
1. Template Export: button to download the template provided by Talenta if you want to input information on employee informal education in bulk via Import.
2. Data Export: Button to download employee informal education information already stored in Talenta. - You can view employee informal education information at Informal Education Table.
- You can set the display of employee informal education information by clicking “Showing”.
C. How to Manage Working Experience Info
Here's a quick look at the Working Experience info:
No | Column | Description |
1. | Add New | Button to add education/work history data manually. |
2. | Import | Button to upload education/work history data information in bulk based on the previously downloaded template. |
3. | Export | Button to download education/work history data template. |
4. | Showing | Columns to set the display of employee information. |
5. | Working Experience Table | Displays detailed information on employee work experience data. |
To add Working Experience, here are the steps.
- Select the General tab, then click “Education & Experience”.
- Click “Working Experience”.
- You can add work experience information by clicking “Add New”.
- Click "Company" to fill in the name of the company where the work experience was taken.
- Click "Job Position" to fill in the job position taken.
- Click "From" to fill in the month and year of work experience taken and To to fill in the month and year of work experience ended.
- Click “Save ” to save.
- You can import employee work experience information in bulk by clicking "Import". Make sure the document you are going to import matches the template provided by Talenta.
- You can export employee work experience information data by clicking "Export".
There are two export buttons
1. Template Export: The button to download the template provided by Talenta if you want to input data on employee work experience information in bulk via Import.
2. Data Export: The button to download employee work experience information that has been stored in Talenta. - You can view employee work experience information at Working Experience Table.
- You can set the display of employee work experience information by clicking “Showing”.
This is an explanation of how to manage Education & Experience data in general employee info. Also learn how to personal data on general employee info, here.