How to Manage Education & Experience Data in Employee General Info (New)

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

Education & Experience is an employee database tab that includes Formal education, Informal education, and Working experiences. In this section, you will learn how to manage employee Education & Experience on the General Info tab.

A. How to Manage Education Info

Here's a quick look at what Education info looks like:


No Column Information
1. Add New Button to add education/work history data manually.
2. Import Button to upload education/work history data information in bulk based on the previously downloaded template.
3. Export Button to download education/work history data template.
4. Showing Columns to set the display of employee information.
5. Education Table Displays detailed information on employee education data.
6. Download CV Button to download employee curriculum vitae data.


To be able to add employee info education, follow these steps.

  1. Enter the education & experience page by clicking the “Employee” menu.
  2. Then click the employee name.
  3. Select the General tab, then click “Education & Experience”.

  4. Select the Formal Education tab.
  5. You can add formal education information by clicking “Add New”.

  6. Click "Grade" to fill in the education level taken.
  7. Click "Institution" to fill in the educational institution taken.
  8. Click "Start Year" to fill in the initial year of education taken and "End Year" for the final year of education taken.

    You can enter additional information as follows
    - Majors: Education major has taken.
    - Score: The final value obtained at the last education taken.

  9. Click “Save” to save.
  10. You can import employee formal education information in bulk by clicking "Import". Make sure the document you are going to import matches the template provided by Talenta.
  11. Or you can export employee formal education information data by clicking “Export”.

    There are two export buttons
    1. Template ExportThe button to download the template provided by Talenta if you want to input employee education information data in bulk via Import.
    2. Data Export: The button to download employee education information is already stored in Talenta.

  12. You can download employee curriculum vitae by clicking “Download CV”.

    You can download CV in PDF and Word format.

  13. View employee formal education information on the Formal Education Table.
  14. And can set the display of employee formal education information by clicking “Showing”.

B. How to Manage Informal Education Info

Here's a quick look at the Informal Education info:


No Column Description
1. Add New Button to add education/work history data manually.
2. Import Button to upload education/work history data information in bulk based on the previously downloaded template.
3. Export Button to download education/work history data template.
4. Showing Columns to set the display of employee information.
5. Informal Education Table Displays detailed information on employee informal education data.

To be able to add Informal Education, here are the steps.

  1. Select the General tab, then click “Education & Experience”.
  2. Then click “Informal Education”.
  3. You can add informal education information by clicking “Add New”.
  4. Click "Education name" to fill in the name of the informal education pursued.
  5. Click "Start Date" to fill in the date the informal education starts and "End Date" for the date the informal education ends.

    You can enter additional information as follows:
    - Held by: Informal education providers pursued.
    - Duration type: Type of duration of informal education completed (in days/hours).
    - Fee: Cost of informal education taken.
    - Description: A brief description of the informal education pursued.
    - Have a certificate: If the informal education taken is certified.
    - Attach file: To input certificate files for informal education taken

  6. Click "Save" to save.
  7. You can import employee informal education information in bulk by clicking "Import". Make sure the document you are going to import matches the template provided by Talenta.
  8. You can export employee informal education information data by clicking “Ekspor”.

    There are two export buttons:
    1. Template Export: button to download the template provided by Talenta if you want to input information on employee informal education in bulk via Import.
    2. Data Export: Button to download employee informal education information already stored in Talenta.

  9. You can view employee informal education information at Informal Education Table.
  10. You can set the display of employee informal education information by clicking “Showing”.

C. How to Manage Working Experience Info

Here's a quick look at the Working Experience info:

No Column Description
1. Add New Button to add education/work history data manually.
2. Import Button to upload education/work history data information in bulk based on the previously downloaded template.
3. Export Button to download education/work history data template.
4. Showing Columns to set the display of employee information.
5. Working Experience Table Displays detailed information on employee work experience data.

To add Working Experience, here are the steps.

  1. Select the General tab, then click “Education & Experience”.
  2. Click “Working Experience”.
  3. You can add work experience information by clicking “Add New”.
  4. Click "Company" to fill in the name of the company where the work experience was taken.
  5. Click "Job Position" to fill in the job position taken.
  6. Click "From" to fill in the month and year of work experience taken and To to fill in the month and year of work experience ended.
  7. Click “Save ” to save.
  8. You can import employee work experience information in bulk by clicking "Import". Make sure the document you are going to import matches the template provided by Talenta.
  9. You can export employee work experience information data by clicking "Export".

    There are two export buttons
    1. Template Export: The button to download the template provided by Talenta if you want to input data on employee work experience information in bulk via Import.
    2. Data Export: The button to download employee work experience information that has been stored in Talenta.

  10. You can view employee work experience information at Working Experience Table.
  11. You can set the display of employee work experience information by clicking “Showing”.

This is an explanation of how to manage Education & Experience data in general employee info. Also learn how to personal data on general employee info, here.