At this time, you can see the employee quota limit for your company. You can monitor your employee quota limit on the Company Setting Menu. If the employee input exceeds the remaining quota limit, a notification will appear stating that the additional employee has reached the limit.
Here are the steps:
- You can monitor your employee quota limit on the Company Settings menu.
- Here you can see how many quota you have.
You can contact to add an employee quota limit. For Talenta, the minimum purchase for additional quota is 10 employees.
- If your employee limit quota has reached the maximum limit, then when you want to add employees individually or in bulk to the Employee menu, a notification will appear as follows. This also applies if you want to add employees individually from the Dashboard Menu.
If you only have 10 employee quota remaining, then the maximum number of employees that can be added is 10, if you add 15 employees in bulk, the system will cancel the addition of 15 employees to the Talenta system as a whole, because it has exceeded the quota limit employees. However, if you only want to add 10 employees, you can enter 10 employees in the Add employee template file, and the process of adding 10 employees will be successful. Additional active employees can only be added according to the available employee quota limit. It is recommended that you have sufficient quota slots so that in the future the process of increasing the number of employees will not be constrained.
- If you want to make an employee request, but your employee limit quota has reached the maximum limit, a notification will appear as follows.
- If you want to take action to cancel the employee's resignation, a notification will appear as follows.
- This also applies, if you want to take action to rehire an employee, a notification will appear as follows.
This is an explanation of how to set employee quota limits. To learn how to Import New Employee Data, click here.