My Files Overview

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

In the My Info menu, there is a Files tab option, which is a tab used to view employee files as a company database. Via the My Files menu, you can also add company-related files.

Here are the steps.

  1. Enter the My Info menu.
  2. Click "Files".
  3. Click the "New" button if you are going to add files.
  4. Select the File Type to add.
  5. You can add information in the Description column.
  6. Click the "Upload" button, then select which file to upload.
  7. Click "Save".
  8. The file will be updated as shown below.

    Download: To download files.
    Edit: To change the information.
    Delete: To delete files.

    You can also access or add files via the Files menu on Talenta mobile. You can also download files contained in Talenta via Talenta mobile.