Headcount Insight Overview

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Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

The Headcount Talenta Insights page will provide insight into the workforce within the company. The data presented relates to employee trends such as total employees, job level or organization, service length, employee turnover, and reprimand, based on a certain period.

Information is presented in graphic reports in the form of bar charts, line charts, or in the form of statistical summary data so that you will find it easy to understand and analyze the data.

Here are the steps to access information for Headcount Insights

  1. Click "Insights" in the Applications section of the Dashboard Menu. Or go to insights.talenta.co.
  2. Then, you will be redirected to the Headcount page.
  3. In this menu, you can view several Headcount Insight graphs. Before looking at the available graphs one by one, you can first select which Branch, Organization, or Job Position data you want to display, then click "Apply Filter".
  4. Then the information that will be displayed will be in accordance with the filter you choose.

The following is an explanation for each of the information presented on the Attendance Insight page. 

A. Headcount Trends

At the top of the page, there is a Headcount Trend graph which contains a summary of employee insights such as an increase in the number of employees and a shrinking proportion.

  1. Filter employee type and period in this section to display data as needed. mceclip1.png

    Type of Employee:
    Total active employee: Displays the trend of active employees
    -  Resign and Join: Displays the trend of employees who have resigned or recently joined

  2. Check this section to compare the pattern of the number of employees last year with this year (the default graph shown is only 2 years).
  3. Click the “Export” button to download the data in CSV format.
  4. If you select the Total Active Employee filter, then your Headcount Trend display will be as follows.
  5. If you hover over the chart, the number of employees for that period will appear.
  6. Meanwhile, if you select the Resign & join filter, then tick Show Total Active, a pattern of increasing and decreasing employees will be displayed, and the appearance will be as follows.
  7. If you hover over the graph, details of the total active employees, total employees who have resigned, and those who have joined the company in a certain period will appear.
  8. Then you can also disable the display of some charts by clicking on the legend icon.
  9. Then the graph displayed is only active data as follows.Nov__13__1_.png

    This feature can be applied to all charts that have a legend.

  10. On the right, you can see a summary related to the number of employees in the form of total employees, total new joiners, total resigned employees, employee turnover, and the ratio between HR vs Non-HR employees. You can also choose the period you want to display with the Overview by the period filter.
  11. You can click on the new joiner (total new employees) and leaving (total resigned) sections to see the details.
  12. The HR to Employee Ratio is a comparison between HR vs Non-HR employees, where the data included in the HR category are positions with the job title HR, Human, or HR.
  13. Then, the employee information will appear as follows. You can click the "download" icon to download data in CSV format.

B. Headcount Breakdown

Besides seeing Headcount Insight, you can also see Headcount Breakdown which contains a summary of the number of employees per each Job Level and Organization. You can filter the data displayed based on Employment Data (Organization, Job Level, Grade, and Employment Status) or Demographics (Gender, Age, Last Education, Religion, and PTKP Status).

- If you hover your cursor on the graph, information will appear regarding the number of employees in that period, so you can compare the trend of last year's number of employees with this year (the default graph displayed is only 2 years).
- You can also click the "Download" icon to download data in CSV format.

C. Service Length

In the Service Length section, a summary of the number of employees will be displayed, grouped based on the employee's tenure.

- In the top column, you can filter your views by a certain period.
- If you hover your cursor on the graph, information will appear regarding the number of employees in that period, so you can compare the trend of last year's number of employees with this year (the default graph displayed is only 2 years).
- You can also download data in CSV format by clicking the "Download" icon.

D. Resignation Reason

In the Resign Reasons section, there is a graphical summary of information regarding the reasons for employee resignations along with the number of employees.

In the top column, you can filter your views by a certain period. If you hover your cursor on the graph, information will appear regarding the number of employees in that period, so you can compare the trend of last year's number of employees with this year (the default graph displayed is only 2 years).

E. Reprimand Trend

The Reprimand Trend section displays a summary of the warning letters along with the number that has been issued.

In the column above, you can filter the types of warning letters that have been given. Click the "Right Arrow" and "Left Arrow" icons to change the display of the period range.

F. Background turnover

Finally, there is the Turnover Background, this graph displays a summary of employees who have resigned, and the information will be broken down into certain categories. 

  1. You can pre-filter the time comparison and the chart period range you want to display. mceclip12.png

    You can filter the time comparison per month (View monthly) or per three months (View quarterly).

  2. You can also click the "Download"  icon to export data in CSV format.
  3. Here is the Turnover Background view. On the side, there is a breakdown by which functions display data based on certain categories. If you select the Gender category, the graph displayed is a summary of employees who have resigned between men and women.
  4. If you select the  Education category, the graph displayed is a summary of employees who have resigned based on a certain level of education. image-1668671196138.png

    The education data that appears is the data stored in each employee's database, if 1 employee has more than 1 formal education recorded in the Talenta list, the system will retrieve the latest education data.

  5. If you select the Age category, the graph displayed is a summary of employees who have resigned based on a certain age. mceclip15.png
  6. If you select the Voluntary/Involuntary category, then the graphic displayed is a summary of employees who have resigned based on the reasons for resigning voluntarily or non-voluntarily. image-1668671514538.png

    Reason voluntary (voluntary):
    - Resigned without pressure
    - Workers apply for layoffs due to employer violations
    - Consolidation, merger, change of status and workers do not want to continue working relationship
    - Workers entering retirement age
    Reason Involuntary (Non-voluntary):
    - Other
    - Did not graduate probationary period
    - Completion of PKWT
    - The worker violates the work agreement, collective labor agreement, or company regulations
    - Consolidation, merger, change of status and the employer does not want to continue the employment relationship
    - Bankrupt company
    - The worker has died
    - The worker has been absent for 5 days or more and has been summoned 2 times properly
    - Prolonged illness or work accident (after 12 months)
    - Termination of employment due to the company's decision not to violate work agreements, collective labor agreements, or company regulations
    - Companies carry out efficiency measures or close because the company makes losses
    - Companies perform efficiency measures to prevent losses
    - Company taking
    - Company takeover and workers/laborers not willing to continue working relationship
    - Company closed not due to loss
    - Termination due to force majeure and company closure
    - Termination due to force majeure but company not closing
    - Company is in a state of postponement of debt obligations due to loss
    - Company is in a state of postponement of obligations debt is not a loss
    - Workers detained and unable to do work (after 6 months) which is detrimental to the company
    - Workers detained and unable to do work (after 6 months) but not detrimental to the company
    - Workers detained and found guilty of causing harm to the company
    - Workers detained and found guilty but not detrimental to the company
    - The worker/laborer commits an urgent violation regulated in the work agreement, company regulations, and other agreements.

  7. If you select the Working Period category, the graph displayed is a summary of the employee's working period. mceclip17.png

G. Employee transfers

At the bottom, you can see details of employee transfers such as mutations, demotions, or promotions that have been made by the Admin. 

Data displayed such as Employee Name, Employee ID, Effective Date, Request Date, Old Branch, New Branch, Old Employee Status, New Employee Status, Old End Effective Date, New End Effective Date, Old Job Position, New Job Position, Old Organization, New Organization, Old Job Level, New Job Level, Old Class, New Class, Old Grade, New Grade, Reject Reason, and Status. All data is displayed based on the effective date of the transfer.

  1. Through the Search field, you can search for employees by name or employee ID.
  2. You can also filter the data based on the effective date of the employee transfer month.
  3. Click the "Download" button to download the data in CSV format, so you can process the data again as needed.

This is an overview of Headcount Insight. Furthermore, you can learn about Attendance Insight here.