When you make a payroll disbursement payment, you can use a Bank Mandiri virtual account. Payments using Mandiri virtual accounts can only be made through Bank Mandiri, whether it's through Mandiri Internet banking, ATMs, or banks.
Here are the steps:
- To access the Mandiri Internet Bisnis page, navigate to https://mib.bankmandiri.co.id/.
- Enter your company ID, user name, and password.
- Click “Login”.
- On the left menu, click “Pembayaran Tagihan”.
- Check on “Tambah Baru”.
- The following pop-up page will appear:
- Fill in the name Institution with XENDIT.
- Click “Cari”.
- Click on one of the Institution option: "XENDIT" with the prefix "virtual account number" corresponding to the BNI virtual account number that you obtained from the Mekari Payroll Disbursement feature on the Payment Instruction page.
The prefix (first five digits) of the virtual account number, for example, is 88608. - Thus, the column "No virtual account" will appear as follows:
- Enter the BNI virtual account number that you obtained from the Mekari Payroll Disbursement feature on the Payment Instruction page.
- Enter the total amount of salary to be paid to all employees according to the salary calculation results from the Talenta listed on the Payment Instructions page.
- After all the information is filled in correctly, click "Konfirmasi" to make the transfer.
This is how to transfer Mekari Payroll Disbursement via Mandiri Internet Bisnis. Learn how to understand the transfer SLA for payroll disbursements here.