How to Change Account Password in Settings Menu

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

When you are first invited to activate your Talenta account, you are asked to enter your Talenta account password. However, if you want to change your Talenta account password, you can change it in the Settings menu.

Here are the steps.

  1. On the Dashboard menu, select your profile picture on the far right. Then, Click "Company Settings".
  2. Click "Account Preferences".
  3. Click "Change Password".
  4. Fill in the Current Password field with the password currently in use.
  5. Then fill in the New Password field to change the new password.
  6. Fill in Confirm Password with the new password.
  7. Click “Save”.
  8. Then your Talenta account password will be automatically updated.

That's how to change your Talenta account password in the Settings menu. Click here to see an explanation of how to change the payslip password in the Settings Menu.