Dashboard Menu Overview (New Version)

Article author
Zendesk Admin
  • Updated

Now, there are 2 (two) Dashboard views on Talenta, namely the old and new interface. You can change the Talenta view on the Talenta Labs menu. On this home page, various important information that employees need to monitor regularly is displayed, along with quick links to access features more easily.

Here is the Dashboard view with new navigation:

No. Column/Button Name Description
1. Company Logo Displays the company logo. Click to change the logo. If the employee is registered at a branch, the logo will adjust to the branch logo.
2. Core and Non-Core Talenta Click if you need to go to a Non-Core Talenta page, such as Insights, Performance Management, or Recruitment.
3. Summarize data Click to use Talenta’s AI feature to see employment summary, attendance, and more. To learn more about this feature, visit the guide here.
4. Quick action Click this icon to open several quick action options, such as Add/create and Request actions.
5. Search Click to search for a specific employee name by typing in the keyword.
6. Inbox Click to open the message page containing messages, requests from other employees to be processed, and other notifications from the system.
7. Switch apps Click to display other Mekari products that you can open.
8. Profile Picture Icon Displays the name of the user who is currently logged in. In this section there is a menu:
  • User Name: To enter my info.
  • Account settings: To enter the settings menu.
  • Company info: To enter the company settings menu.
  • Company list: To go to the company list page, so you can go to your other company Talenta pages.
  • Request PIC contact: Click to request your company's PIC contact by filling in the pop-up form.
  • Switch to old navigation: Click to change the view from New to old navigation.
  • Support center: To go to the chat page with support.
  • Help : To enter the Talenta guide website.
  • Sign Out: To log out of your company account.
9. Menu bar Here, there are complete menus for the Super Admin Talenta display, such as Home, My Info, Employees, Time, Finance, Payroll, Productivity, Company, Applications, Integrations, and Settings.
10. Shortcut Speed ​​up access to certain features:
  • Live attendance: For clocking in and out.
  • Request benefit reimbursement: To request a benefit reimbursement.
  • Request time off: To request leave.
  • More Request
    • Cash advance: To apply for a cash advance.
    • Overtime: To apply for overtime.
    • Change Shift: To request a shift change.
11. Chart

Displays graphs of various information recorded in the Talenta system.

Users can change the chart view to get information about Employment Status, Length of Service, Job Level and Gender Diversity.

12. Quick Links Speed ​​up access to certain features:
  • My Info: Go to the Employees >> General Info menu.
  • Add Employee: Goes to the Employees >> Add Employee menu. Used to input new employee data.
  • Employee Transfer: Goes to the Employee menu.
  • Company Settings: Go to the Settings >> Company menu.
  • Integration: Go to the Settings >> Integrations menu.
13. Balance Time Off Shows the remaining balance of leave or permits owned. Leave that is set to have an unlimited balance will not appear in this column.
14. Applications Displays additional applications provided by Talenta which are generally referred to as non-core applications.
  • Forms: Directs you to the Talenta Forms feature page.
  • Performance Review: Refers to the application for conducting employee performance assessments.
  • Talenta management: Refers to applications for managing employees who have the potential to occupy key positions in the future.
  • Insight: Directs you to the Talenta Insight feature, which provides a complete overview of the company's HR as a whole.
  • Timesheet: Directs to the Timesheet page to manage Time tracker and its activities.
  • Document template: Directs to the document template creation and management page.
  • Recruitment: Refers to applications for managing employee recruitment activities in companies.
  • Talentics: Directs to the advance recruitment page for managing talent acquisition through to on boarding.
  • Marketplace: Directs to the Mekari Account marketplace page, where you can see various add-on features ( premium features & 3rd party applications ) available at Mekari.
15. Announcement

Displays features to manage announcements given to all employees in the company.

You can filter announcements by category, by clicking “Category”.

16. Contract & Probation

Features a feature to manage changes in employee status that have reached or are approaching the end of their probationary or contract period.

Settings to determine when this notification appears on the dashboard can be done in the Settings menu.

17. Task Displays features to manage the assignment of tasks to one of the employees in the company.
18. Who's Off Displays all names of employees who are taking leave within a certain period.
19. Download Talenta Mobile Showing Talenta applications
  • App Store: leads to the app store to download Talenta mobile iOS.
  • Google Play: go to Google Play to download the Android version of Talenta mobile.