Companies need to determine the achievements that employees want or need to achieve. You can set and determine it through Talenta Performance Management. This feature can be accessed in the Goals section.
- There is an old and new view of this feature, to learn how to create goals in the old view, click here.
- If there is an approval layer on the action of creating a new or edit goal, then you can learn the guide here.
Here are the steps of How to Make Goals on Talenta Web:
- Login to your Talenta Performance Review Account.
Go to the Goals menu, then click “Create New Goal”.
Select one of the available goal types, namely individual, Team, Organization, and Company . Then, click "Create goal".
Fill in the required information in the columns containing Goal details and Target.
No. | Column Name | Description |
1 | Change the selected goal type | Change your goal type selection, such as Individual, Team, Organization, or Company. |
2 | Goal owner | Change or select the owner responsible for access to view, create, and edit goals. |
3 | Goal name | Fill in the Goals name |
4 | Description | Fill in with a more detailed description of the Goals (optional). |
5 | Goal cycle | Select the period type from the Goals. |
6 | Goal period |
Fill in the start and end dates of the Goals in the Start Date and Due Date fields. The due date is at least one day after the start date. |
7 | Measurement unit |
Select the benchmark unit based on Percentage, Number, or Rupiah. You can check “repeat measurement and reset after cycle ends” to repeat and reset goals measurement after a goal cycle ends. |
8 | Baseline - Target |
9 | Select member |
Select which employees can align with these Goals. Then, click “Submit” . You can specify more than one employee. This option is only available on Team or Organization goals. |
Then, you can also add Key results (optional for individual/team/organization goals) to measure your Key Result goals by clicking “Add key result”.
Then, the following sidebar will appear.
No. | Column Name | Description |
1 | Key result name | Enter the name of your Key result |
2 | Description | Fill in a more detailed description of the Key result. |
3 | Measurement type |
Select the Key result measurement type based on Increase KPI for increasing targets or Decrease KPI for decreasing target sequences. If you choose Increase KPI, then the Target must be greater than the Baseline. Conversely, if you choose Decrease KPI then Baseline must be greater than Target. |
4 | Measurement unit | Select the benchmark unit based on Percentage %) , Number , or Rupiah. |
5 | Baseline | Determine the reference point used for Key Result comparison purposes. |
6 | Target | Fill in your desired target in the measurement unit of your choice. |
7 | Goal progress mechanism |
You can choose one of two options to update the progress of the goal or key result, namely: If you choose update value per event on the key result, the system will ignore the goal progress mechanism on the Goal because the goal progress will adjust to the progress of the key result. |
You can also add optional settings by clicking Set configuration.
Then, the Goal Configurations sidebar appears In the first section, you can set the Goal details.
No. | Button Name | Function |
1 | Align goal |
Click to create a new goal that will be linked to a team, organization, or company goal. Here is the dropdown that appears when you select Align goal where you can choose to align goals with each other. You can link goals to the Key results of parent goals (if any). Here are the rules: |
2 | Goal weight |
Click to determine the goal weight to calculate the value of the goal if it is included in the review. |
3 | Repeat goal | Click to activate the repeat goal feature if the goal in the next period is automatic. |
4 | No baseline | Click to have the goal and key result based on the sum of the final target, hence there is no baseline. You can apply this to either decrease or increase KPI goals. |
Then, you can optionally manage the Target details section settings.
No. | Button Name | Function |
1 | Measurement type |
Select the goal measurement type based on Increase KPI for increasing targets or Decrease KPI for decreasing targets. If you choose Increase KPI, then the Target must be greater than the Baseline. Conversely, if you choose Decrease KPI then Baseline must be greater than Target. |
2 | Show the actual percentage of the goal and key result achievement | Click on the checkbox to disable automatic rounding on goal percentage and Key Result Achievement. Therefore, the numbers shown are actual numbers. |
3 | Goal progress mechanism |
You can choose one of two options for updating the progress of the goal or key result mechanism, namely: - By summary achievement: Click to update all accumulations achieved manually. - By achievement value per event: Click to update the accumulation based on each event. The system will automatically accumulate the value. |
4 | Goal contributors |
Add contributors to participate in making updates to this goal. You can choose the following options: - All members: Select this when all members of the team or organization can update this goal. - Selected members: Select this if only selected members from a specific team or organization can update this goal. Therefore, you can choose the names of the employees. |
Go back to the Create new goal page. If the settings details, including Key results are correct, check “Submit and create new goal” and “Submit”.
- You can re-edit the details by clicking the “Pencil” icon and delete the details by clicking the “-” icon.
- There is a description of the key result progress mechanism that you have selected. In the example above, “Summary achievement” because you have selected By summary achievement. See the explanation in table number 9. -
You will get information when the goal is successfully created. Then, you can see the list of goals that have been successfully created on the Goals-Individual/Team/Organization/Company page. Click “Actions” then “View detail” .
- If the goal is the parent of another goal, there will be a “down arrow” icon, if you click it, the other goal will look like a blue arrow.
- In addition, if you want to edit the goal, you can select “Actions” then click Edit goal . Or, on the goal details page, you can also edit the goal by clicking “Edit goal”. -
Then, you will be directed to the Edit goals page where you can change some of the data you have previously saved.
- The type, goal owner, and measure progress columns cannot be edited.
- Measurement type and key result on Goals cannot be edited again if the progress on Goals has been updated.
- On the goal cycle, the minimum goal end date is today or greater.
- If you have taken the Closed Goals action, then the goal can no longer be edited.
That's how to create goals on Talenta web. To find out how to update Goals, click here.