How to Sync NIK and 16 Digit NPWP

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Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

To avoid duplication which could damage the accuracy of employee data as well as errors in identifying individuals, Mekari Talenta presents synchronization of KTP (NIK) and 16-digit NPWP. The synchronization process aims to prevent duplication of one company between employees, so that no more employees have the same KTP (NIK). Learn the complete steps below.

  1. Go to the Employees menu, then select the “Employee directory”.
  2. Then click "More info" on the following notification.
    1 Sync.png
  3. Then an information box will appear for synchronizing KTP and NPWP employee data.
    2 Sync.png

    - You can bulk update your KTP (NIK) and make sure the KTP uploaded is correct.
    - After the synchronization process is complete, the system will combine updating the KTP (NIK) & 16-digit NPWP to become NIK (16-digit NPWP) on the payroll info & employment data page.

  4. Next, click Sync KTP (NIK) & NPWP.
    3 Sync.png
  5. Then the following notification pop up will appear stating that the synchronization results will be sent to your Inbox. Click “Go to inbox” to view it.
    4 Sync.png

That is how to synchronize NIK and 16-digit NPWP. If the synchronization process has been completed, you can continue the process of filling in the NIK (16 Digit NPWP) in the employee Identity & Address section.