How to Upload a New Goal

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

Through Talenta Performance Management, you can create goals individually or in bulk. To create goals in bulk, you can download the Excel template, fill it in, and then upload it back into the Talenta system.

Follow these steps.

  1. Login to your Talenta Performance Account.
  2. Select   Goals and you can select the type of goal you want to create, namely Individual, Team, Organization, or Company.
  3. Click "Upload new goal".
  4. Then, download the Excel goals template by clicking Template File as follows.
  5. Then, fill in the required form based on the columns as follows. You can hover over the column headings to see brief instructions for filling them out.

    A: Enter the name of the Goal.
    B: Fill in a more detailed description of the Goals.
    C: Fill in the period type of Goals (1=Custom, 2=1 Month, 3=1 Quarter, 4=1 Semester, 5=1 Year).
    D: Enter the goal start date in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
    E: Enter the end date of the goal in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
    F: Enter the Employee ID of the employee who will be assigned as the goal owner.
    G: Enter the goal measurement type based on Increase KPI for increasing targets or Decrease KPI for decreasing targets. (1=Increase KPI, 2=Decrease KPI)
    H: Select the goal benchmark unit (1=Percent (percentage %), 2=Number (number), or 3=Rupiah).

  6. Furthermore, you can also complete the following columns.

    I: Determine the initial reference point used for target comparison purposes. Make sure it matches the goal benchmark unit in column H.
    J: Fill in the target in the measurement unit you have chosen. Make sure it matches the goal benchmark unit in column H.
    K: You can choose one of two options for updating the progress of the goal or key result mechanism, namely:
    1 = Update value accumulation: Click to update all accumulations achieved manually.
    2 = Update value per event: Click to update the accumulation based on each event. The system will automatically accumulate the value.
    L: You can enter 1 to activate the repeat measurement and reset after cycle ends feature to create similar goals automatically and reset goal measurements after a cycle goal ends. If not necessary, fill in 2.
    M: Fill in the Employee ID of the employee who can update achievements on Goals.
    N: You can enter a goal ID if you want this goal to be connected to another goal.
    O: Fill in the total weight of this goal in numbers.

  7. You can continue to fill in the next section if necessary, namely Key results.

    P: Enter the name of the Key result.
    Q: Fill in the Key result description if necessary.
    R: Enter the Key result measurement type based on Increase KPI (type 1) for increasing targets or Decrease KPI (type 2) for decreasing target sequences.
    S: Select the benchmark unit based on Percent (type 2), Number (type 3), or Rupiah (type 3).
    Q: Enter the reference point used for Key Result comparison purposes.
    U: Enter the target you want in the measurement unit you choose.
    V: You can choose one of two options for updating the progress of the goal or key result mechanism, namely:
    1 = Update value accumulation: Click to update all accumulations achieved manually.
    2 = Update value per event: Click to update the accumulation based on each event. The system will automatically accumulate the value.

  8. Upload the completed template again by clicking "Choose File", then click "Submit".
  9. Then, your goal will be successfully uploaded and entered on the goal list page.

This is a guide on how to upload a new Talenta Performance Management goal. Apart from creating goals in bulk, you can also bulk update, edit, and close goals. Learn how here.