How to Set General Ledger Mapper Access Role

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

In the General Ledger Mapper feature in Talenta, only Super Admins have access to it. However, if there are users other than Super Admin that you want to give access to, you can change their access role on the Access Role page, as follows.

  1. Click the profile photo in the top right corner, then select Company Settings.
  2. On the Users tab, select Access Role.
  3. Click “New” to create a new access role.
  4. Enter the role name in the Role Name column.
  5. Then select Super Admin or Finance in the Role section.
  6. In the Role Type section, select Default.6.png
  7. Check the View column and Create so that the role can view and create the General Ledger Mapper.

    You can also learn how to manage access roles, here.

  8. Then, click “Save”.

That's an explanation of how to manage the General Ledger Mapper access role, then you can learn how to manage General Ledger Mapper, by clicking here.