How to Request Block Leave on Talenta Web

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

Apart from using Talenta Mobile, employees can apply for Block Leave via the web. Block leave usually applies to financial services companies, such as banks. With this policy, employees are usually required to submit requests for a minimum of 5 consecutive working days without a break every year or depending on the specific work period.

You need to know that the Block Leave policy is different for each company. To apply for Block Leave, you need to know the policy that has been given to you or consult with your supervisor first.

Following are the steps to request block leave.

  1. On the Talenta web main page, click your profile then Account Settings.hotc1.png
  2. On the Time Management tab , click Timeoff.
  3. You will be directed to the time off information page, which contains details about the remaining time off and history. Click "Request time off".
  4. Select the Time off type - Annual leave, then click the Enable Block leave checkbox.

    If you click on the blue text "Learn more", a short guide will appear on how to take block leave as follows. To continue filling in the block leave request, click "Okay".

  5. Next, complete the remaining empty columns.
    No. Column Name Description
    1. Start date Select the date the block leave begins.
    2. End date

    Select the date the block leave ends.

    - Block leave has a minimum of 5 days of leave.
    - Make sure your remaining block leave balance is sufficient.
    - Make sure you do not have leave that has been approved on the same date.

    3. Attach files Add your supporting files here.
    4. Notes You can add a reason for time off here.
  6. Click “Request time off” to request block leave.

That's the guide on how to apply for block leave via Talenta web. Furthermore, you can learn how to read the time off application history page here.