How to Claim Overtime

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

As an employee, you have policies for requesting overtime and making overtime claims. Through Talenta Mobile, you can claim overtime in just a few steps. 

The following are the steps to claim overtime on Talenta Mobile.

  1. Click the “Overtime” button.
    GlanceOvertime (1).PNG
  2. Then, you will be directed to the Overtime page display. Select the Assigned tab to open a list of Overtime that needs to be claimed (Not claimed) and has been claimed (Claimed).

    - On this page, you can also filter by date range by clicking on the “calendar” icon.
    - You can also filter the schedule list by clicking the “filter” icon.
    - If you click on Assigned overtime with the status Claimed, you will be directed to the Assign overtime details page.

  3. Then, you will be directed to the Overtime schedule page. Here, you can see complete information on the overtime shifts assigned to you by your supervisor.

    - You can change the Overtime duration (length of overtime time) and Break duration (If there is rest time) Before and After the shift (Before and after the shift).
    - You can include notes in the Work notes if necessary.
    - You can also include proof of attachment by clicking "+" if necessary.

  4. Click "Claim overtime" if the claim is appropriate.

This is a guide on how to claim overtime on Talenta Mobile for employees. The overtime schedule that you submit will be approved by your superior. If your overtime is approved, your overtime application status will be changed to Approved.