In Talenta Performance, a Competency menu allows you to determine competencies by position, assess competencies using a review cycle, and view the results on a chart. Before learning how to start managing Competency Assignments, make sure you have Set Up Competency first. Learn how to Set Up Competency here.
The following is a guide on how to manage Competency Assignments:
- Log in to your Talenta Performance account. In Talent Management, select Competency.
- Select Assignment, then click "Create assignment".
- Then, you will be redirected to the following page. Complete the blank fields before clicking "Submit".
No. Column/Button Names Description 1 Assignment name Fill in the name of this assignment. 2 job positions Select the job position for which you want to determine competency, here you can select more than 1 job position. 3 Add competency groups Click to add the competency group that you created earlier. 4 Select job level Select the job level that you will set the target score for 5 Add job levels Click to add another job level. 6 Select groups Select the competency group assigned to the job position 7 Select rating Determine the target score for each competency group - The following display appears when you click Add job position that you need to manage before selecting "Save".
No. Column/Button Names Description 1 Show eligibility job positions Check to activate only the eligible job position filter feature. 2 Search bar Take advantage of this feature to search for the name of the job position you want to choose. 3 Filter Click to filter by Branch or Organization as shown below, then click "Apply filter" to apply the filter. 4 Job position list Click on one of the Job positions on the list, then the Job position will move to the Selected job position section on the right. - If you have already "submitted" an assignment, then you will be directed to the following page and an "assignment created" notification will appear. On this page, the entire list of assignments that have been made will be stored.
1 (one) Job position can only be entered into 1 (one) Assignment, meaning that a job position that already has a Competency Assignment cannot be entered into another Assignment.
- On the Assignment list, you can perform actions for Edit assignments and Delete assignments.
- If you select Edit assignment, then you will be directed to the following page where you can change the information on the assignment. Click "Delete assignment" to delete the assignment.
- A deletion confirmation pop-up will appear as follows. Click "Delete" to continue deleting.
- Then, you can see the results of the Competency Assessment by clicking on the Home menu.
- In the All employees section, click "See all employees".
- Therefore, the display of the employee Competency Assessment will look like the following.
You can view your and other employees' Competency assessment by clicking on the employee's name.
This is a guide on how to manage Competency Assignment on Talenta Performance. Furthermore, you can learn how to create a New Cycle Review and view Review Results here.