How to Arrange Talenta Manpower Planning Approval

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

In Manpower Planning Talenta, Super Admin can make approval arrangements to arrange the approval path for Headcount and Replacement requests submitted by employees. If the approval feature is activated, all requests or submissions made by roles other than Super Admin or Admin must first go through the approval line. Here are the steps.

  1. Click the profile picture in the upper right corner, then select Account Settings.
  2. Click the ESS tab and select Approval.
  3. In the New Headcount or Replacement section, click “Edit”.
  4. Then click “Add more” in the pop-up that appears.
  5. In the Settings column you can choose to whom (subject) this approval setting will apply. You can make arrangements with several options (all employees, job, organization, job level, employee ID, branch).
  6. In the Value column, fill in the specifications according to the settings you have selected.6.png
  7. If you check Auto Ascend is checked, then when the job position in the approval line is empty, the request will be forwarded to the job position on the top layer.
  8. In the Position column, there is an Up Down which you can use to move the subject order or approval path.8.png
  9. Click "Rule" to determine the approver layer.9.png
  10. Approval lists can be made in more than one layer by clicking the "Add more" button on the approval rules page so that the request can only be approved if it has been approved by several levels of approval.
  11. In the Settings column, you can choose approval based on Upper Job Position, Employee ID, or Consultant.11.png
  12. Fill the Request Type.12.png

    - Requested: Employees can make their own requests.
    - Requester: Employees cannot make requests themselves.

  13. Fill the Value column based on the Job Position level that has the approval.13.png
  14. Click "Save" to save the approval policy changes.

This is how to arrange approval for Manpower Planning Talents. Furthermore, you can learn how to approve or reject Manpower Planning requests submitted by employees, here.