How to Create a Poll Using Talenta Forms

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

In Talenta, there is a Forms feature, which you can use to create incoming forms, surveys, or polls. With the Forms feature, you can set the various polling requirements you need, and you can also download the poll results that have been obtained. Following are the steps for creating a poll using Forms Talenta.

  1. Click the Productivity menu, then select Forms & surveys.
  2. Then you will be directed to the following page, where there are 6 form templates that you can use.

    1. If you choose one of the templates, a pop-up will appear as follows, containing information that with Forms+, you can add approval settings and access forms with file upload and logic jump question types.

    2. If you click “Learn about Forms+”, you will be directed to the Forms+ landing page.
    3. Or if you click “Continue”, you will be directed to the question page, and you can still change the available questions.
  3. However, if you want to create forms from scratch, you can click “Create form”.
  4. Fill in the poll title and a description that describes the poll.

    You can only check Submission needs approval, if you subscribe to Talenta Forms Plus. You can also check Submission needs approval if each submission requires prior approval. Click here to set up approval forms. 

  5. Click “Continue”.
  6. Fill in the name of the column or question you want to ask in the poll. Then select the answer type and complete the description if necessary.

    The answer types found in Talenta forms are:
    - Text: Select Text, if the answer is required in the form of writing/sentences.
    - Number: Select Number, if the answer is required in the form of numbers.
    - Email: Select Email, if the answer is required in the form of an email with a domain extension (
    - Amount: Select Amount, if the answer is required in the form of a nominal amount of rupiah.
    - Option: Select Option, if the answer is required in the form of a choice (only 1 choice can be selected). If you select the option answer type, you can activate the Jump Question feature, which allows you to display the next question based on the selected answer.
    - Checkboxes: Select Checkboxes, if the answer is required in the form of a choice ( more than 1 choice can be selected ).
    - Linear Scale: Select Linear Scale, if the answer is required in the form of a scale.
    Date : Select Date, if the answer is required in the form of a date format.
    Phone number: Select Phone number, if the answer is required in the form of a telephone number (08 or +62), maximum 15 digits.
    Long text: Select Long text, if the answer required is in the form of long text.
    File upload: Select File upload, if you want to upload a file or image for the answer. (Only for forms+).
  7. You can activate Required, if the question is mandatory.
  8. You can click the "copy" icon if you want to copy the question to be the next question and click the "trash can" icon if you want to delete the question.

    If you are a Forms+ user and select the Option answer type, a Jump question icon will appear that you can click. This feature allows the next question to appear based on the selected answer.

  9. Click “Add question” to add a question. When you have created all the question lists, click “Next”.
  10. Select “Select Employee” if only certain employees can access the poll, or check Select all employees if all employees can access the poll.
  11. Check Set reminder, to set a reminder, so that employees will receive a reminder to fill out the form according to the time you have set.
  12. Check “Set schedule” to set the poll closing schedule and select the closing date.
  13. Check Send an email after employees submit the form to send an email after employees have completed the polling form.

    You can choose one of the following:
    Daily summary notification: A summary of submitted forms will be sent to your email every day.
    Instant notification: You will receive a notification via your email and the employees you have selected for each submitted form.

  14. You can check Default add to new employee if new employees are allowed to access the form. Or, check Only allow 1 submission per employee if you want the polling form submission to only be done once. You only need to create 1 form for several polling periods and set the 1 submission only period.

    You can choose one of the following:
    - All time: Choose if employees can submit the form only once.
    - Certain time: Choose if employees who have not submitted the form can fill out the form during a period that you can specify in the Start date and End date columns.

  15. Click “Save” to save the form, then the following pop-up will appear. Select “Send” to have the system send a notification to the assignee via their email or select “Don't send” to have the system not do so.
  16. Then, you will be directed to the following page. You can return to the form page by clicking “Back to all forms”.
  17. Then the poll made will be seen as follows. When you want to see the results of the poll, you can click the "three dots" icon and then click "Details".
  18. Then it will display the employees who have filled out the poll and the details of the answers chosen. You can also download the poll results, by clicking "Export".
  19. Then you can click “Share” to copy the form link and add access for specific employees.
  20. Click “Copy link” to copy the form link.
  21. Then, you can search for the name of the employee you want to give form access to in the Invite employees who can access section and click the “+” icon to add the employee.
  22. After the employee is successfully added, the access that is automatically given is Can view , where employees can only access the form without changing its contents. However, if you want to give employees access to change the contents of the form, you can select Can edit , or select Remove access to remove access. And click "Save" to save.

That's how to create a poll using Forms Talenta. Learn how to manage forms in Talenta here.