How to Create an Automatic Cycle Review for Probation and Contract Evaluation

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

With Talenta Performance, you can access the Review Cycle feature. By using this feature, Superadmin can create an automatic review cycle so that it can simplify the management of probation and contract evaluations. Before creating an Auto Cycle Review, you can create Template Settings as described here.

The following is a guide on how to make an Automatic Cycle Review for Probation and Contract Evaluation on Talenta Performance.

  1. Go to
  2. On the Reviews menu bar, select Review cycle.
  3. Click "Create new cycle".
  4. In the Create your cycle pop-up, select “Evaluation review” and type the cycle name in the Cycle name blank field. Then, click "Create".
  5. Then, the Cycle Review page appears as shown in the following figure.


    Column/Button Names



    Edit button

    This button serves to bring you back to the Create your cycle pop-up page to change the name of the cycle.


    Employment status

    You can choose the purpose of the cycle based on the Probation or Contract employment status. This option will determine which employees will be included in the cycle automatically


    Filter of your employee(s)

    If the probation or contract evaluation process will be carried out specifically based on employee details, then you can use this filter. Choose a filter based on Organization, Branch, Job position, or Job level. Thus, more detailed filters like the following appear. You can customize your employee filter by ticking its Checkbox.
    Thus, more detailed filters like the following image appear. You can customize your employee filter by checking its Checkbox.


    Select templates

    You can choose a template from the indicators that will be used in the evaluation process.

    Before you choose a template, make sure the indicators in the template are appropriate. To find out how to view detailed template settings, click here.


    When are the reviews start?

    You can determine when the review period will start based on how many days before the probation or contract period ends. Choose 7, 14, or 30 days.


    Who will review them?

    The system will automatically assign a reviewer for each employee to be reviewed, you can determine based on what the reviewer will be assigned: Approval line or Job position.


    Enable lock edit for review

    Check this if you want to lock the review so that the review can no longer be edited or reset except by request.

    You can set the approval rule and the approver layer on the ESS Settings menu. Learn how here.


    Cancel/Submit button

    You can click the "Cancel" button to return to the previous page or click "Submit" to save the Review Cycle.

  6. So, your Review cycle has been saved and you can see the details.

    You can click “Actions” to open the following options.
    - View detail: Select to view details of the Review cycle.
    - Stop automatic cycle: Select to stop the automatic cycle.
    - Lock/unlock review result: Select this to unlock/lock the review result. This function only appears on cycles that use the lock review option.
    - Delete: Select to delete the Review cycle.

- You can only make 1 automatic review cycle per destination, meaning if you have already made a cycle probation, you cannot create a new cycle probation if the previous one has not been stopped.
- Details of the cycle will be automatically added on D+1 from the day you finish creating the cycle if there is a new employee on that day.

This is a guide on how to make an Automatic Cycle Review for Probation and Contract Evaluation on Talenta Performance. In the next stage, you can see the results of the cycle report. Find out how to view Reports here.