How to Set Reminder on Talenta Performance

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

The Performance Review process carried out by the company generally takes a certain amount of time. Therefore, a reminder is needed for users to carry out activities according to their parts. You can do all of these reminder settings via the Settings menu, and the Reminder Settings submenu.

Here are the steps:

  1. On your Talenta Dashboard, click the "Performance Review" tab.
  2. Enter the Reminder menu on the Settings tab.
  3. Specify the required reminder settings.
  4. Reminder to HRD when review period ends, is used to make arrangements related to reminders for HRD when the review period is over.
  5. Reminder to HRD when the cycle is ready to publish is used to make arrangements related to reminders for HRD when review results can be shared with employees.
  6. Reminder to pick co-workers used to make settings related to reminders for "members" when they have to choose "reviewers" (only applies when this feature is activated during cycle creation).
  7. Reminder to review, a reminder to "members" when they have entered the "review period" and have to review employees.
  8. Reminder when added as a reviewer, a reminder to "employees" when added as a "reviewer".
  9. Next, click the "Save Changes" button to save the settings.

This is a guide on how to set a reminder on Talenta Performance. Furthermore, you can learn about the template settings page here.