How to Upload Attachments to Goals

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

In employee goals, as the Super Admin, you can set goals in the form of a team or individually on Talenta. In addition, progress goals have a feature that allows you to include attachments as proof of progress.

As a Super Admin/Admin, you can set mandatory attachments for Goals. To learn about it, click here.

Here's how to include attachments  to  goals progress:

    1. Go to .
    2. Select Goals.
    3. Then, select one of the Goals that you want to update and include the attachment.
      Then, click on the “Triple Dot” icon and select Update progress .
    4. Then, a pop-up will appear, where you can select the attachment file by clicking "Choose File".
    5. After the attachment has been successfully uploaded, you can see the file you uploaded as shown in the image below. Then, click "Submit" to update the progress goals and attach the evidence.

      If the Super Admin or Admin implements mandatory attachments, there will be a “red star” icon on the Add attachment as shown below which indicates that employees are required to upload attachments.

    6. If the progress goals are successfully updated, a notification will appear as follows.

This is how to upload attachments to goals. Furthermore, you can learn how to make Payroll Group Goals on Talenta Performance here.