In Talenta Performance, if the Super Admin applies an approval policy to the actions of creating new goals, changes (editing), and updating achievements, then employees can submit approval requests for the team, organization, company, or individual-type goals. Employees can then wait for approval from the owner of the approval goal which has been set in such a way by the owner of the Super Admin role.
The following are the steps for creating and editing goals on Talenta Performance.
The following guide covers how to Request Create New Goal and Edit Goal only. To read a guide on how to Request a Goal Update, click here.
- Visit the performance review on the web
- Go to the Goals menu, then click on one of the types of goals (Individual / Team / Organization / Company) that you want to request.
A. Request Create New Goal
- Click “Create New Goal” to create goals.
- Fill in the required information in the columns containing detailed Goals and Targets.
No. Column Name Description 1 Goal owner Fill in the owner responsible for access to view, create, and edit goals. 2 Goal type Select your goal type, Individual, Team, Organization, or Company. 3 Select goal Select a new goal to create a new goal (without connecting it to a team goal) or align goal to create a new goal that will be connected to a team, organization, or company goal. Below is the dropdown that appears if you select Align goal where you can choose to align goals with each other.
Users can link goals to the Key results of parent goals (if any). Here are the rules:
- Individual goals can be aligned with the team or organization.
- Team goals can be aligned to organization goals.
- Organization goals can be aligned with other organizational goals or company goals.4 Goal name Enter the name of the Goal 5 Description Fill in a more detailed description of the Goals. 6 Goal cycle Fill in the period type of Goals 7 Goal period Enter the start and end dates of the Goals in the Start Date and Due Date fields.
Due date is at least one day after the start date.
8 Measurement type Select the goal measurement type based on Increase KPI for increasing targets or Decrease KPI for decreasing targets.
If you choose Increase KPI, then the Target (see point number 11) must be greater than the Baseline (see point number 10). Conversely, if you choose Decrease KPI then the Baseline must be greater than the Target.
9 Do not round the percentage of goals and KR Achievement Click on the box to disable automatic rounding on goal and Key Result Achievement percentages. 10 Measurement units Select the benchmark unit based on Percent, Number, or Rupiah.
You can check “repeat measurement and reset after cycle ends” to repeat and reset goal measurements after a goal cycle ends.
11 Baseline - Target - Baseline: Determine the reference point used for the purpose of comparing goals.
- Target: Enter the target you want in the measurement unit you choose.
12 Who can update the progress Select which employees can update Goals.
You can determine more than one employee, who can update the goals in the Team or Organization goals as in the image below.
Check Limit access of this organization goal for who can update list only to limit access to this organization goal for employees included in who can update list only.
13 Goal progress mechanism You can choose one of two options for updating the progress of the goal or key result mechanism, namely:
- Update value accumulation: Click to update all accumulations achieved manually.
- Update value per event: Click to update the accumulation based on each event. The system will automatically accumulate the value.14 Goal weight Determine the goal weight to calculate the value of the goals if included in the review. - Then, you can also add Key results (optional for individual/team/organization goals) to measure your Key Result goals by clicking "Add key result".
- Then, the following pop-up will appear.
No. Column Name Description 1 Key result name Enter the name of your Key result 2 Description Fill in a more detailed description of the Key result. 3 Measurement type Select the Key Result measurement type based on Increase KPI for increasing targets or Decrease KPI for decreasing target sequences.
If you choose Increase KPI, then the Target (see point number 5) must be greater than the Baseline (see point number 6). Conversely, if you choose Decrease KPI then the Baseline must be greater than the Target.
4 Measurement units Select the benchmark unit based on Percent, Number, or Rupiah. 5 Baseline Determine the reference point used for Key Result comparison purposes. 6 Target Fill in the target you want in the measurement unit you choose. 7 Goal progress mechanism You can choose one of two options for updating goal progress or key results, namely:
- Update value accumulation: Click to update all accumulations achieved manually.
- Update value per event: Click to update the accumulation based on each event. The system will automatically accumulate the value.
If you select update value per event in the key result, the system will ignore the goal progress mechanism in the Goal because the goal progress will adjust to the progress of the key result. - Click "Submit" when you have finished filling in the new Key result details.
- So, on the Requested tab on the goals page, you can see the status of your goals request.
- Rejected: Request goals rejected.
- Pending: Request goals are in the review process. - If the goals have been approved by the approver, they will be entered on the Ongoing Goals tab and the goals owner and users related to their goals can update progress.
B. Request Edit Goals
- If you want to edit the goal, you can click the "Three dots" icon, and then select View details.
If the goal is the parent of another goal there will be an icon “down arrow”, if you click then another goal will look like a blue arrow.
- Then, click “Edit goal”.
- Then, you will be directed to the Edit goals page where you can change some of the data that you have previously saved.
- The type column, goal owner, measure progress columns cannot be edited.
- Measurement type and key results in Goals cannot be edited again if the progress in Goals has been updated.
- In the goal cycle, the minimum goal end date is today or greater.
- If you have taken the Closed Goals action, then the goal cannot be changed again. - Select “Save” if the changes are correct.
- Hence, on the Requested tab on the goals page, you can see the status of your goals request.
- Rejected: Request goals rejected.
- Pending: Request goals are in the review process.
That's how to apply for approval to create new goals and edit goals on Talenta Performance. Next, you can learn how to submit approval for goal updates here or how to upload Attachments to Goals here.