How to Manage Tax Report

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

The tax report in Talenta displays the details of the calculation of income tax article 21 (PPh 21), which is usually used to determine the tax deduction on the monthly income earned by employees.

In Talenta, you can access the income tax article 21 report by following these steps:

  1. Login to your Talenta account, then go to Payroll menu.
  2. Select View Reports.
  3. You can change the tax reporting period and the specific branch tax information you want to see.
  4. Click Tax Report”.
  5. You can access tax-related reports in four reports, namely: Tax Detail, Tax Detail Employee Yearly, PDF, and CSV and XLSX.

    You can access the tax report if you have clicked "Lock This Period"

  6. There is 1 additional option, namely Yearly report on the December filter. On the Yearly report, you can see Report 1721-A1-December-2025 (PDF), 1721-A1-December-2025 (CSV), Form 1721-Yearly (PDF), Form 1721-I-Annual (PDF) and 1721-A1-December 2025 (XLS).

    The report year will follow according to the period filter you have applied.

    Column Explanation
    Report 1721-A1 December 2025 A report containing a form to report PPh 21 and/or PPh 26 deductions for the January-December period that has been submitted by the company (PPh 21/26 Withholding Evidence).

    Click the “Publish 1721-A1” button so that employees can download form 1721-A1 through their respective ESS accounts.
    1721-A1-December 2025.csv CSV form of SPT Period PPh 21 and/or PPh 26 containing PPh 21 Withholding Certificate for the January-December period to be uploaded to e-SPT PPh 21.
    Form 1721-Time-of-Year.pdf The form used to report income tax deductions for Article 21 and/or Article 26 Income Tax.
    Form 1721-I-Annual.pdf A report containing a recapitulation of the list of income tax deductions under Article 21 for permanent employees and recipients of pensions or old age benefits/periodic old age security as well as for civil servants, members of the TNI, members of the Polri, state officials and their retirees.
    1721-A1-December 2025.XLS Report containing PPh 21 Withholding Tax Evidence for the January-December period in .xls format.
  7. In the Yearly Report, you can download form 1721-A1 by selecting Report 1721-A1-December-2025 .
  8. Click “ Download” to download form 1721-A1 .

    All employees, both active and resigned, will be attached to report 1721-A1

  9. Or click “Send Email” to send the form to email.
  10. Or click “Publish" , then form 1721-A1 will appear on the payslip, and the employee concerned can download it on the Talenta Mobile application.

    This Publish 1721-A1 button will appear after you click "Lock this period" .

  11. For the Tax Detail Report, you can view four reports, namely: Tax Detail Report, Tax Payment Schedule Detail Report, Tax Resign Compare Report, and Tax Recalculate Report.



    Tax Detail Report

    A report containing details of employee tax calculations each month, which includes calculations of all employee payroll components, benefits, and PPh 21 imposed on the acquisition of these payroll components.

    Tax Payment Schedule Detail Report

    A report containing details of employee tax calculations based on the selected payment schedule, which includes calculations of all employee payroll components, benefits, and PPh 21 imposed on the acquisition of these payroll components.

    Tax Resign Compare Report

    A report containing details of tax calculations for employees who resign.

    Tax Recalculate Report

    A report containing details of employee tax calculations.

    A. Tax Detail Report
    In this report, you can get complete tax calculation information obtained by employees in the company. Here is a view of the Tax Detail Report.





    Download PDF/XLS

    You can use it to download Tax Detail Report in PDF or XLS format.


    Parent Branch

    You can use it to filter tax calculation information based on the parent company branch registered with Talenta.


    All Branch

    You can use it to filter tax calculation information based on branches registered with Talenta.


    Personal Data

    You can use it to add additional information related to employee personal data in the Tax Detail Report.


    Custom Field

    You can use it to add additional information related to employee data such as Shoe Size in the Tax Detail Report.


    Search & Showing

    You can use it to organize the display and search of employee information based on keywords or options provided.


    Tax Detail Table

    You can use it to view complete tax calculations for each employee.

    B. Tax Payment Schedule
    In this report, you can see the details of employee tax calculations based on the selected payment schedule, which includes the calculation of all employee payroll components, benefits, and PPh 21 imposed on the acquisition of these payroll components.
    C. Tax Resign Compare
    In this report, you can see the details of tax calculations for employees who resign. The following is a display of the Tax Resign Compare report.

  12. For the Employee Yearly Tax Detail report, you can view the annual tax calculation for employees by selecting the name of the employee whose tax calculation you want to view, then click "Download" to download the tax report for each employee in the company.
  13. You can see the annual tax calculation report displayed as follows.
  14. In the PDF report, you will be given Form 1721 PPh 21 Period which you can download as proof that income tax on employee income has been paid by the company.

    Column Explanation
    Form 1721 Time A report containing a form to report PPh 21 and/or PPh 26 deductions that have been paid by the company (Periodic SPT PPh 21 and/or PPh 26).
    Form 1721 I Attachment I of the PPh 21 and/or PPh 26 Periodic Tax Return form which contains a list of PPh 21 deductions for Permanent Employees and Recipients of Pensions or Old Age Allowances/Periodic Old Age Security as well as for Civil Servants, TNI Members, Polri Members, State Officials and their Retirees.
    Form 1721 II Attachment II of the PPh 21 and/or PPh 26 Periodic Tax Return form which contains a list of evidence of PPh 21 withholding on non-final income and/or PPh 26.
    Form 1721-III Attachment III of the PPh 21 and/or PPh 26 Periodic Tax Return form which contains a list of evidence of PPh 21 withholding on final income.
    Form 1721 VI Attachment VI of the PPh 21 and/or PPh 26 Periodic Tax Return form containing Proof of PPh 21 (Non-Final) or PPh 26 Withholding.
    Form 1721 VII Appendix VII of the PPh 21 and/or PPh 26 Periodic Tax Return form containing Proof of PPh 21 Withholding (Final).
    Form 1721 VIII Attachment VIII of the PPh 21 Period form contains proof of monthly PPh 21 withholding which is intended for permanent employees or retirees who receive pension-related money periodically for income earned each tax period other than the last tax period.
  15. If you click on Form 1 1721-VI, 1721-VII, or 1721-VIII then you can download and send the report in the form of an email either for individuals or all employees. For individuals, you must first check the name of the employee concerned.
  16. In addition, you can also upload forms 1721 VI, 1721 VII, or 1721 VIII on ESS. To upload form 1721 VI click "Publish Taxslip All" . The Publish 1721 VI button will appear after you click "Lock this period" .
  17. If you want to upload form 1721 VII, click "Publish Taxslip All" on the following display. After publishing , employees who have run payroll during the period can download form 1721-VII through their respective ESS accounts. The Publish 1721 VII button will appear after you click "Lock this period" .
  18. In the CSV and XLSX reports, you will be given File 1721 PPh 21 Period which you can download to report SPT PPh 21. In addition, starting from the January 2025 period onwards, the DGT will implement the E-Bupot system to Coretax so that there is a BP File that you can download to report it.

    Column Explanation
    1721-I Monthly CSV form for Periodic Tax Return for PPh 21 and/or PPh 26 containing a list of PPh 21 deductions for Permanent Employees and Recipients of Pensions or Old Age Allowances/Periodic Old Age Security as well as for Civil Servants, TNI Members, Polri Members, State Officials and their Retirees.
    1721-BP-Final CSV form of SPT Masa PPh 21 and/or PPh 26 containing PPh 21 Withholding Certificate (Final).
    1721-BP-Non-Final CSV form of SPT Masa PPh 21 and/or PPh 26 containing PPh 21 Withholding Certificate (Not Final).
    FORMAT-UPLOAD-EBUPOT21.xlsx The e-Bupot format is specifically for reporting non-final and final monthly income.
    FORMAT-UPLOAD-EBUPOT21-A1.xlsx The e-Bupot format is specifically for reporting income for employees who resign or transfer, or during the December Tax Period. 
    BP21 Excel to XML.xlsx Used for final and non-final PPh 21 deductions, other than for Permanent Employees/Retirees who receive pension-related money periodically.
    BP26 Excel to XML.xlsx Used for withholding PPh 26 related to work, services, and activities of Individuals with SPLN (Foreign Tax Subject) status.
    BPA1 Excel to XML.xlsx Used for PPh 21 deductions for Permanent Employees/Retirees who receive Pension-Related Wages periodically, in the Last Tax Period.
    BPMP Excel to XML.xlsx Used for PPh 21 deductions for Permanent Employees/Retirees who receive Pension-Related Wages periodically, other than in the Last Tax Period.
    BP21_Template.xml The template used for PPh 21 withholding reports, whether final or not, other than for Permanent/Retirees who receive pension-related money periodically.
    BP26_Template.xml The template used for withholding PPh 26 related to work, services, and activities of Individuals with SPLN (Foreign Tax Subject) status.
    BPA1_Template.xml The template used for PPh 21 deductions for Permanent/Retirees who receive Pension-Related Wages periodically, in the Last Tax Period.
    BPMP_Template.xml The template used for PPh 21 deductions for Permanent/Retirees who receive Pension-Related Wages periodically, other than in the Last Tax Period.

That's how to manage Tax reports in Talenta. Learn about other reports available in Talenta here.