How to Input Joint Leave at the Event

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

Leave is a right that is owned by everyone who has employment status as an employee. The existence of leave for employees can provide an opportunity for employees to take time off after working for the company.

Follow these steps to manage shared leave that doesn't cut into annual leave:

  1. On the Dashboard menu, click the "Time Management" menu.
  2. Then click the sub-menu "Calendar".
  3. Click "Add Event" to create an event on the Calendar.
  4. Enter the name of the Event to be held.
  5. Enter the Date of the event to be held.
  6. Enter the Days of the event as information on the number of days the event will take place.
  7. Check "Is this company holiday?", if the event is considered a holiday.
  8. Enter the time the event will start and the time the event will end.
  9. Determine who will receive the event information.
  10. Specify whether this event information will be notified via email by ticking Send Email.
  11. Enter Notes if there is information you want to convey related to the event.
  12. Click "Save" to save the event.

This is an explanation of how to input joint leave at the event. Learn how to manage shared leave that intersects annual leave, here.