How to Set Talenta's HMAC API Access

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Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) is used to determine whether the request has come from the right source. In addition, ensuring that the request (request) is encrypted and not modified while being processed. On the Talenta Integration menu, which you can learn about here, there is the HMAC API (Application Programming Interface) which functions to integrate third-party backend services with the Talenta HRIS central system.

If you use Talenta and want to integrate talenta data with your other applications, you will need new HMAC client credentials with the appropriate scope. Using these credentials, you can generate HMAC signatures and attach them to your request headers when making API calls to any of Talenta's API endpoints.

Following are the next settings for HMAC API Access in Talenta :

  1. In your browser, go to
  2. Click “Sign In”.
  3. Input your Email and Password, then click “Sign In”.

    Make sure you are registered at the Mekari Developer Center. If not, please contact the PIC for your Company in the Support Center to request access to the Mekari Developer portal, by informing the company name and integration requirements. Information related to the Support Center can be seen in the guide article here.

  4. Then, click “Create Application”.
  5. Enter the Aplikasi name and select your Company.

    Before selecting an Authorized Scope, you can view the API details here.

  6. In the Authorized Scopes field, check which API endpoints the application can access. Then, click "Submit".

    You can check only “talenta” to check all API endpoints. However, if you don't need access to Payroll data. You can uncheck the Payroll scope (talenta:payroll:all).

  7. Then, a Client ID and Client Secret will appear which you can copy by clicking the “Copy” icon in each field. Then, click "View Details".

    Copy the Client ID and Secret into your notes as they are shown only once.

Next, you can learn about masking data on the Talenta API. This feature allows you to be able to limit access to data that can be accessed via the API.