In payroll calculations, every company usually has employees who have just joined in the middle of the period so the employee's payroll will be calculated on a prorated basis. This prorate system also applies to THR given to employees and you can learn about it here.
Here are the steps:
- On the Dashboard menu, click the "Profile" icon in the upper right corner.
- Then click "Company Settings".
- Click the Payroll and Pro-rate menu.
- Then, you will see a settings page like the following.
Explanation:No. Name of Button/Column Description 1 Pro-rate Setting There are 4 pro-rate calculation settings including:
- Based on Calendar Day : Calculation is based on all calendar days (including day off and national holidays).
- Based on Working Day : Calculation is based on all working days only (excluding day off and national holidays). Count national holiday as working day if national holidays are still taken into account in calculating prorate.
- Custom on Calendar Day : Calculations are based on calendar day calculations with predefined denominators (total calendar days).
- Custom on Working Day : Calculation is based on the calculation of working days with a predetermined denominator (total working days).2 Count national holiday as a working day Tick "Count National Holiday as a Working Day" if holidays are included in working days so employees can check in/out on their absences.
When ticking "Count National Holiday as a Working Day", the calculation system will look like the following.
3 Enable shift based calculations Check "Enable shift based calculation" if the pro-rate calculation is based on the employee's shift and applies to all types of pro-rate calculations
When checking "Enable shift based calculation", the calculation will look like the following.
To make this option available, you need to enable multiple shifts. Learn more about multiple shifts on Talenta, here.4 Save After you finish setting up the pro-rate, click this button to save.
After the settings are finished, you can calculate employee payroll or run payroll. In the payroll run, you can determine the period the payroll is carried out until you select the employee whose payroll you want to process/calculate.