How to Set Attendance Machine on the Attendance Setting Menu

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

Attendance Machine is a setting for adjusting the format of import check-in and check-out data files from the Talenta fingerprint machine. However, to be able to use Talenta's fingerprint, you must first install it by studying it, here

Here are the steps:

  1. Enter the Company Settings menu.
  2. On the Time Management tab, select Attendance.
  3. Click the "Machine" tab.
  4. Click "New" to add the attendance machine settings.
  5. Select the position of the check-in and check-out data on the export results from the fingerprint machine in the Set section.

    - Select Single Row, if the data for check-in and check-out hours are in the same row so that they appear in different columns.
    - Select Multiple Row, if the data for check-in and check-out hours are in different rows, so they appear in the same column.

  6. Fill in the information on which row the attendance data starts in the Starting Row section.
  7. Enter a name for the setting in the Name section.
  8. If it is filled with the name of a particular branch in the Branch section, then the attendance data that will be imported based on the attendance settings made only applies to the selected branch.
  9. Select the type of file exported from the fingerprint engine in the File Type section. This setting will follow the selected file type with the available file formats being .csv,.txt,.xlsx,.xls,.dat
  10. Select the data separator in the Delimiter section. Pay attention to the separator in the appearance of the attendance export file, the separator can be a semicolon (;), a comma (,) and a tab or space.
  11. Fill in the column where the barcode information is in the Barcode section.
  12. Enter the number of barcode characters in the Barcode Length section.
  13. Fill in the column where the date information is in the Date section.
  14. Enter information on the number of date characters in the Date Length section.
  15. Fill in what column the check-in and check-out time information is in the Time section.
  16. Fill in the information regarding the time duration in the Time Length section.
  17. Select the type of date format in the Date Format section.
  18. Select the type of time format in the "Time Format" section.
  19. Select Flag On/Off to activate/deactivate the flag.
  20. In the On/Off Flag, enter the flag data in what column in the "Mode" section and enter the number of data characters entered in the "Mode Length" section.
  21. Then enter a character as a marker to distinguish check-in (flag-in) and check-out (flag-out) data, for example: "i" to check in, "o" to check out in the Flag In/Out section.
  22. Also fill in marker characters to distinguish data Break start (flag break start) and break end (flag break end), for example: "S" for start, "E" for End. in the Flag Break/Start section.
  23. If you click "Range" as the determination of check-in and check-out data from the fingerprint engine file, it refers to the specified time range.
  24. Fill in the time range in minutes so that the data can be counted as before or after check-in / check-out.

    - In after: Fill in the time range (minutes) after the schedule in so that it can be counted as check-in data.
    - Out before: Fill in the time range (minutes) before the scheduled out so that it can be counted as check-out data.
    - Out after: Fill in the time range (minutes) after the scheduled out so that it can be counted as check-out data.
    In after is filled with 240 minutes with a schedule in 09.00. If the employee checks in at 09.15 it will be counted as check-in. However, if the employee checks in at 14.00 then it will not be counted as check-in data.

  25. If you check "On/Off Attendance for Day Off",  then if an employee checks in or checks out during the day off, the data will be imported into the system. However, if it is not activated, the check-in and check-out data during the day-off will not be imported into the system.
  26. If you click "Time Compare", the system will compare the timestamp with the nearest check-in or check-out. This setting can also be used on RTA (Real Time Attendance).
  27. Click "Save" to save the settings.

This is an explanation of how to set the attendance machine on the Settings menu. Furthermore, you can learn how to import employee attendance, here.