How to Download Review Result as PDF

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

In the Talenta Performance Review Cycle, there is a download result as a PDF feature to help companies that were previously in the review process before using Talenta using paper. With this feature, reviewers can see the results of the review by exporting it in PDF form.

Here are the steps:

  1. On the Talenta Dashboard, click the "Performance Review" tab or click
  2. Click the Review Cycle menu.
  3. Click  “Actions” to see a detailed review cycle of completed reviews.
  4. Click "View Details".
  5. On the review cycle detail page, click the “Actions” icon, then select “Details” to download the review results one by one.
  6. Then, click the "Three dots" icon, and "Download result as PDF".

    The option  Download result as PDF  will appear if the employee already has a review result.

  7. The following shows the PDF results if there is one reviewer.

    - The start page is a summary of the reviews that have been given to the employee. If there is more than 1 reviewer, the score displayed on the summary page is a combination of all reviewers. 
    - Goals information will appear if the super admin makes a review cycle using include with goals.

  8. If you want to download it, click the "Download" icon in the top right corner.

    The download results will be stored on the device in a PDF file format.

  9. If you want to download in bulk, check the review results that will be downloaded first.
  10. Click the “Actions” button to take action. This button will appear when the review results have been checked. Select "Download pdf" to download the review results in bulk.
  11. The download results will be in the form of a file in .zip format.
  12. If you have successfully extracted the data, the download per reviews display will look like the display below.
  13. In bulk downloads, there are summary pages and detail pages per reviewer.
  14. The following is a detailed view per reviewer.

    In the review, there is information on the name of the reviewer.

  15. If there is more than one reviewer, the result information is the average of the number of reviewers

    In the download result PDF, if there is more than one reviewer, there is an additional review page per reviewer.

This is a guide on how to download review results as a pdf on Talenta Performance. Furthermore, you can learn how to manage the Cycle Overview Dashboard here.