How to Manage Reports on Talenta Performance

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

The report is a menu that will display the assessment's final result. You can access the Talenta Performance report through the Reports menu in the Reviews section . There are three reports provided by Talenta, namely  Review, 9 Box Matrix, and Goals.

A. Reviews

I. Summary

  1. In Talenta Performance, click the Reports menu then select Reviews.
  2. You will automatically enter the Summary view.
  3. Filter the cycles you want to display. You can select more than 1 cycle by checking the box below Select cycle.
  4. Enter the cycle period you want to display by clicking the start and end dates of that period.
  5. Use this to filter the view by Organization, Branches, Job Position, and Job Level .
  6. If you have filtered the report, you can click "Generate" . Then the final assessment results for each cycle will be displayed. The final assessment results per method can be displayed as above (the weight of the assessment numbers appears), if you activate the Use weight feature, click here to activate.
  7. Use the column visibility filter here to choose what information you want to display in the table. Also use the Search bar to search for specific data by entering keywords.
  8. You can click “Download.xls” to download the report in Excel format.
  9. After that, a notification like the following will appear, informing you that the report will be sent to your email.

II. Detail Report

In the Detail Report, the answers entered by the reviewer will be displayed in detail. Follow these steps to generate a summary report:

  1. Click the "Details" tab.
  2. Filter the cycles you want to display. You can select more than 1 cycle by checking the box below Select cycle.
  3. Enter the cycle period you want to display by clicking the start and end dates of that period.
  4. Select the methods in the cycle you want to display by checking the checkboxes one by one. The report can be pulled from more than 1 method.
  5. Once you have filtered the report, you can click “Generate” . Then you will see the detailed data of the review cycle. You can click “Download” to see the detailed answers inputted by the reviewer to the employee. The file you downloaded will be sent directly to your email.
  6. Use the column visibility filter here to select what information you want to display in the table.
  7. You can click “Download.xls” to download the report in excel format.

    - Current Format (.xls): Displays the original rating of each indicator.
    - Previous format (.xls): Displays the converted value of the weight per indicator.

  8. After that, a notification like the following will appear, informing you that the report will be sent to your email.

B. 9 Box Matrix

This report serves to help categorize employees based on the review results in matrix form. Follow these steps to generate a 9 Box Matrix report:

I. Generate

  1. Make sure you have created a review template with 3 legends (for example: low, moderate, and high) using the question type rating or percentage.
  2. You can create 2 assessments / 2 review cycles which are divided into potential assessment and performance assessment, the results of which will be used in the matrix.
  3. Click the Reports menu then click “9 Box Matrix” . Then, you will be directed to the Generate page.
No. Button/Column Name Description
1 Select potential cycle You choose the following potential cycle options:
- Select from cycle: You can select the results from the review cycle.
- Import from other document: You can upload review results from other documents via spreadsheet in bulk. Learn how to do it,  here.

Then, fill in the fields in the following pop-up and click “Submit”.
2 Select performance cycle You choose the following performance cycle options:
- Select from cycle: You can select the results from the review cycle.
- Import from other document: You can upload review results from other documents via spreadsheet in bulk. Learn how to do it, here.

Then, fill in the fields in the following pop-up and click “Submit”.
3 Result name Give a name to the generated 9 box matrix.
  1. Click “Generate” .
  2. Then, the assessment will be displayed in grid form as follows.

    - How to read the report : If an employee has a Low potential rating and a High-performance rating, then the rating the employee gets is Trusted.
    - You can customize the 9-box number template via the 9-box configuration page. Here is a display of the Grid with 5x5.

  3. The naming of each grid can be changed by pointing the cursor at the grid you want to change and then clicking the “Pencil” icon.
  4. Then, fill in the new name and click "Save" to save the changes.

    The maximum character limit for grid naming is 60 characters.

  5. Then, you can also see the details of the employee list on each grid by clicking on the button as shown in the image below.
  6. Then the list of employee names will be displayed as follows.
  7. You can click “Actions” to perform some actions on the employee's name.

    - Create IDP: Click to create an employee performance development plan through the Individual Development Plan Talenta Performance.
    - Assign as successor: Click to apply the employee as a successor. You will be directed to the following screen, where you can select the Succession plan name before clicking “Assign”.

    - Request transfer employee: Click to request an employee position transfer for certain purposes such as promotion, transfer, rotation, demotion, etc. You will be directed to the following screen, where you can select the Transfer type before submitting the request.

  8. The results of this 9 Box Matrix report can be downloaded as an xls file by clicking “Download XLS” .
  9. Then the report will be sent to your email when the process is complete.

II. Result

  1. Click the Reports menu then click “9 Box Matrix” . Then, you will be directed to the Generate page.
  2. Click the Result tab to see a list of previously generated reports. On the list, click “Action”.
  3. Then, you can do the following two actions.

    - View result : Click to open the generated 9 box matrix result.
    - Download : Click to download the 9 box matrix report in spreadsheet form. The report will be sent to your email.

  4. Here is an example of View result display generate 9 box matrix. You can download this result by clicking “Download”.

C. Goals

I. Summary Reports

In Summary reports, you can see a summary of goals that you can filter according to your reporting needs.

  1. In Talenta Performance, click the Reports menu then select Goals.
  2. You will automatically be taken to the Summary Reports view.
  3. Filter the goals you want to display by checking the box under Select goal.
  4. Use this to filter the view by Organization, Branches, Job Position, and Job Level .
  5. Enter the cycle period you want to display by clicking the start and end dates of that period.
  6. If you have filtered the report, you can click "Generate" . Then a summary of the goals that have been selected will be displayed in the form of a list for the period and filters that have been applied as follows.
  7. Use the Search bar to search for specific data by entering keywords.
  8. You can click “Download.xls” to download the report in Excel format.
  9. After that, a notification like the following will appear, informing you that the report will be sent to your email.

II. Detail Report

In the Detail Report, the answers entered by the reviewer will be displayed in detail. Follow these steps to generate a summary report:

  1. Click the "Details" tab.
  2. Use this to filter the view by Organization, Branches, Job Position, and Job Level .
  3. Enter the cycle period you want to display by clicking the start and end dates of that period.
  4. If you have filtered the report, you can click "Generate" . Then the goal details will be displayed with the selected filters and periods in list form.
  5. Use the search bar by typing the employee name if necessary.
  6. You can click “Download.xls” to download the report in excel format.

This is a guide on how to manage reports on Talenta Performance.Furthermore, you can learn about Pending Actions (Review) on Talenta Performance here .