Salary Tax Calculate is a feature used to find out how much an employee's take-home pay will be based on the payroll data mechanism that the employee has. You can find this feature on the Payroll Menu.
Here are the steps:
- Go to the Payroll menu.
- Select Salary Tax Calculator.
- Select the tax calculation method. In this case you can choose the TER (Average Effective Rate) or Non TER (Average Effective Rate) tax calculation method.
- If you choose the Non TER tax calculation method, then you can directly enter the Join Date, PTKP, and Tax Configuration according to employee data.
- However, if you choose the TER tax calculation method, you can directly select the PTKP type and Tax configuration in the following column.
- Tick "Has NPWP" if the employee has an NPWP.
- Input the Basic Salary, Total Allowance Taxable, and Total Deduction Taxable, according to employee data.
- Input the Total Allowance Non-taxable, Total Deduction Non-taxable, THR, and Bonus, according to employee data.
- Tick "Has BPJS TK" if included in BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (National Social Security Agency for Employment).
- Input the nominal BPJS TK Rate.
- Select the JKK (Working Accident Protection) rate for the employee.
- Tick "2% by Company & 1% by Employee".
- Tick "JHT By Company", if the 2% JHT rate will be paid by the company.
- Check "JP By Company", if the 1% JP rate will be paid by the company.
- Tick "Has BPJS Kesehatan", if employees are included in BPJS Kesehatan (Social Security Agency of Health).
- Input the nominal BPJS kesehatan (Social Security Agency of Health) in the column BPJS Kesehatan Rate.
- Tick BPJS Kesehatan By Company, if the company covers BPJS Kesehatan for the employee.
- Click "Calculate".
- The calculation will look like this
This is how to estimate salary calculations for prospective employees at Talenta. To update employee payroll data, you can click here.