How to Assign Time Off

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

You can apply leave policies to certain employees via the Time Off submenu. This activity can be done either manually or in bulk by users with access to the Superadmin and Admin roles.

Here are the steps.

  1. Go to the Time Management menu, select Time Off and Time off balance.
  2. Click “Assign or Update".
  3. Then you will be taken to a page like the following, click the "New" button.
  4. Select the type of leave policy in the Policy Name field.
  5. In the Type field, select “Assign”.
  6. Fill in the Description field with notes related to leave policy assignments.

A. Assign Time Off Manual

  1. Click “Add” to select the employee you want to manually assign the leave policy to.
  2. Select the employee you want to assign.
  3. Then, click “Save”.
  4. Then, the list of employee names that have been selected will be entered on the Transaction Time Off Detail page.

    You can click the "Delete" button to the right of the row to remove the employee's name from the list.

  5. After making sure that the list of names appears is correct, click "Save" to save.

B. Assign Time Off Secara Massal

  1. Click "Export" to download the template in Excel form if you want to assign leave policies in bulk.
  2. Open the downloaded file, then complete the required information.

    Employee ID information is required.

  3. Click "Import" to import data from the previously downloaded and completed template.
  4. If Time Off is the default time off that has been set to be directly attached to new employees, then you don't need to assign time off, as above.

This is an explanation of how to Assign Time Off. To view the Time Off Balance Report, click here.