How to Manage Payment Schedule Settings

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Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

In the payment schedule,  you can set employee payroll periods if the company has more than one payroll period in a month. These settings follow the concept of Payroll Configuration settings. Previously, you could learn how to manage cut-off settings, here.

Here are the steps:

  1. On the Dashboard menu, click the "Profile" icon at the top right.
  2. Then select "Company Settings".
  3. Select the Payrolls menu. 
  4. Click the "Payment Schedule" tab.
  5. Click “Add” to add a payment schedule.
  6. Fill in the name of the payment schedule set in the Name section.
  7. Choose a monthly or weekly payment schedule in the Type Payment Schedule section.
  8. If you select weekly, you will be asked to enter the start date of the weekly payment schedule on the Start Date and the cut-off day on the Cut-off Day.
  9. Select the period and year for calculating the payment schedule in the Select Month Period and Select Year Period Weekly Schedule.

    In the weekly schedule there is information on Move to previous, that is, payments for the first week of the month are paid in the month before, while Move to next, namely payments for the last week of the month are paid in the following week.

  10. If you select Monthly in the Type Payment Schedule, in the Parent Schedule you can determine the main reference for the payroll schedule.

    Select: Employee A has 2 payroll runs (Basic Salary and Overtime).
    Default: Payroll on the 22nd (employees 1, 2, 3) and Payroll on the 25th (employees a, b, c).

  11. Check "Tax Calculate With Salary" if the tax calculation will be calculated simultaneously with the default payroll run process. On the other hand, if it is not activated, when the payroll payment schedule is run, the tax will be calculated immediately.
  12. Fill in the last date to enter the calculation of the current month's salary Payment will be scheduled on this date, employees who join after this date will enter the next payroll period.
  13. Fill in the absence date limit in the Attendance column, this is related to the calculation of components that are daily, for example, overtime, late deductions, and lunch allowances.
  14. Fill in the payroll date limit in the Payroll column, this is related to the prorate calculation of salaries and components that are monthly, for example, basic salary.
  15. Check Attendance Pay Last Month if the daily component calculation will refer to the previous month's attendance data.
  16. Click "Submit" to save.

This is an explanation of how to manage payment schedule settings. Furthermore, you can learn how to manage payslip settings, here.